skymedia part one

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(so I know i did something like this awhile back. with red and Barney. so you don't have to read this.)

Adams pov-
my whole life I've hidden under a mask. a mask of being a funny, perky, happy guy. something I'm not. why? I have depression. I have forever. as a child I was abused, thus giving me anxiety. I don't like yelling, so I make sure I yell alot. this is why i don't like mad max a lot. I only make him mad for the fans, I made sure a while ago that he knew that. I once heard someone say, 'easy to conceal, but not to heal.' it's been my favorite quote ever sense.

I don't think the offices really know how much I do for them. I get 2 hours of sleep very night, at most. after every one leaves I clean the office, they think I hired someone to do it. but nope I do. I also go get food for the kitchen, I even clean everyone's offices. I've been alone most of my life so it's easy to read people, I've learned how to tell how people feel, what kind of things they like. so it's quite easy to organize their office.

I do just about anything I can for them. I have even learned that max is depressed, not as much as me but he cuts. I got Ross to constantly check on him, without tell him he knows. I also check on max, getting sadder ever time I see it worse. I didn't know I could get sadder until I saw what was happening. alesa cheated on me a while ago, I havnt seen her sense. so now I live alone, I hate it but what can I do? I would die but then the office would probably fall apart. I have worn a bandana over my eyes sense middle school.

now let's go back to real time. I'm sitting in a spare room, cutting, again. that's when I hear the doorbell, I shout, "give me a minute" I quickly clean up. i wrap my arms quickly. I pull my sleves down over the bandage. I walk out of the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I run down the stairs, by now they rang the doorbell again. I reached the door and opened it, outside was standing most of the office. max, ross, red, Barney, jin, jess? I raised a eyebrow in a questioning way, "what are you guys doing here?" I asked quietly. "you don't remember?" jin asked, I shook my head. "we arranged to hang out today" max said. I facepalmed, "i forgot that was today, I'm so sorry." I said quickly. "well can we come in?" Ross asked, I nodded and moved out of the way. they filed in. "you still live by ypurself?" jess asked, I nodded. "bit this house is huge!" jess screamed, I flinched a little but I don't think any one noticed.

yah I don't think I mentioned that I'm rich. I live in a mansion. I forced a little chuckled, "yah, know what do you want to do?" I asked walking towards the living room. "i don't know what do you have?" red asked, "anything and everything" I said mysteriously. Ross and max looked at each other. I smirked, "um truth or dare?" jin suggested. I sat on the back of one of my couches. they all walked in, they looked around in awe. my living room was huge, "who's first?" I asked, putting up a fake smile. some people jumped, "look I know it's amazing but can we get to playing a game or something?" I said, some people nodded. "hey what if we do a sleep over" Barney asked. (he only does the accent for videos)

"but we don't have any stuff" max pointed out. "there's where your wrong. I have stuff for all of you" I said, I really do. they even all have their own rooms. they looked shocked. i decided to start the game. "max truth or dare?" I asked. by now everyone was sitting on the couches, I was hanging upside down. "truth, also you shouldn't do that, all of your blood will rush to your head" I nodded, I know that. but I'm not normal so I'll be fine. "ok max, do you like ross?" I smirked I already know the answer but I did it for ross's sake. he nodded shyly, I heard jess squeal.

max quickly moved on, "red truth or dare?" red was zoning out so he jumped when he heard his name. "d-dare?" he stuttered "I dare you to kiss someone sitting next to you." red and Barney were sitting a love seat. Jess squealed then fainted. I quickly stood up and ran over to jess. everyone looked at me and Jess in shock, probably because how fast I reacted. I did move pretty fast, I checked her pulse. "she's alive" I announced, jin, ross, and max snickered. I picked her up and walked out, I saw jin get a little jealous. everyone followed me trying to see where I was going.

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