the animal within

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uhhh, a mix of skymedia and creepypasta.

Adams pov~
I walked the forest, enjoying everything around me. I duck quickly when I hear a gun shot. I turn around to a red haired man, "just what do you think your doing, trespassing?" I tilt my head slightly, i didn't realize I was trespassing... "oh, I'm sorry sir. I didn't know I was on your property." I apologize, he grunts. my eyes widen when he brings up the gun again. he goes to shoot me and I duck under it, he stares at me in shock. I run off into the forest, easily losing him. I stop and look around me, I'm used to this running by now. I look around, first I'm on someone's property now I'm in slender mans woods?! fuck... I look around quickly, keep an eye out for the pastas. I wonder if slendy will recognise me after all these years... me and him were friends as a child and then we split up. then I got a pack and went to school with them... I don't know what happened to my pack. I hear the rustling of the bushes. oh no, they found me! I look around again, keeping a slow walking speed. I can't tell who it is yet. until I hear soft cracking. toby... he doesn't feel pain, it's hard to beat him. but do-able. I jog a little, i need to get closer to the mansion. slendy will know it's me once I'm closer. so after I got away from slender I kinda stalked the internet about creepy pastas... so I know pretty much everything. I reach up and adjust my sunglasses, that had been falling down. nobody can see my eyes. ever. I look around, then quickly climb up a tree. i see the setting sun to the left of me, so I need to go that way. I follow the sun until dark, god slendy. did you really have to build up the woods this much?

after about another 20 minutes the mansion is finnaly in site. I walk up and knock on the door, i see Jeff open it. "who in he'll are you?" he asked angrily. "I'm an old friend of slenders. now, be a good boy and get him for me or I'll find him myself." I say pushing Jeff forward, then darting to the side as a hatchet is thrown through the doorway where I once stood. it hits the wall, i start walking, seeing as Jeff's not doing anything. I walk up stairs to his office. I knock lightly, "come in" a strong voice replies. I open the door and slip in, i look up at my friend who had been looking down at something on his desk. "what is it?" he snaps. I chuckle, "I thought you would be happy to see your best friend." I roll my eyes, "I know that voice..." he whispers. he looks up, "adam?!" he screams. I nod lightly, a smile appears on his face. "your alive!" I nod, "you think a measly bullet would kill me? plus, it just barely hit me. fast reflexes remember?" he stands up and hugs me, "I forgot how short you are" he mutters. we laugh, "it's only because your like 10 foot tall!" I shake my head, we hear a knock on the door. slendy sits behind his desk again, i sit on an empty spot on the desk. he calls the person in, jack walks in. "what is it jack?" slendy asked, his calm demeanor showing again. "Jeff and Ben got into a fight again sir, also, who is this?" I laugh, "god, he sounds like me when I first met you" I roll my eyes. "either way, names sky. slenders best friend" I state. jack looks me up and down, then nods and walks out. "can you deal with the fight, please" slendy asked me. I smile, "still putting your work on me huh? sure." I jump down and walk out to the living room. as said, Ben and Jeff were fighting as Sally and Toby tried to get them to stop.

I walk forward, i grab them both by the back of their jackets. they shut up quickly. "shut the heck up!" I groan, throwing them to the wall on opposite sides of the room. they groan, i look to Sally and Toby. "you shouldn't have to deal with that" I sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "who are you?" Sally asked. I smile at her, "well, I'm a childhood friend of slender." I explain, kneeling to her height. she smiles, "ohhh, can you be my childhood friend too?! we can have tea party's together and everything!" she shouts. "please don't harress him child" slendy speaks up from behind me, "it's fine slendy, i don't mind. plus, i was the one who always delt with idiots at school remember?" I taunt. he groans, "of course, you were always mister perfect. so you always delt with my bullies" Jeff and Ben burst out laughing, they had sat back on the couch. "wait, he was mister perfect? hahaha, I'm surprised. no one ever stands up to slendy or talks to casually with out punishment." Jeff says inbetween laughs. I let out an inhuman growl, "how would you like to know how it feels to be punished by me instead?!" I challenge. he stands up and tosses a knife at me, i don't even move and it flies past me and scratches my arm. then almost hits Sally but she dodged it, "jeff! you idiot! you almost hit sally!"

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