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"Name: Elan W.
Code Name: Sabre Black
Species: Human
Age: ???
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Everything else is unknown."

Sabres pov-
Hello, My name is Elan W. Code name is Sabre. Sabre Black. I'm am of the human species. One of the few left in this world. If you are to know anything else about me, you'd be killed on the spot. I stand up from my previous sitting position once my name is called. I look over to notice the door is open. "666, testing time." Right. I nod stiffly. The scientist leads me out, a gun held to my head. One more at the front. The scientist leads me to a room, where I'm restrained to a chair. At least four guns held, ready to shoot at any moment. "This test is a bit different." I stare up at him. He reads his papers, "For this one, we will be sending you to school to see how you cope with your surroundings. There will be surveillance on you at all times." School... School?! "I do hope you cooperate with us on this." I tisk, "Yes sir." I mumble. He smirks, "Prefect. This is mearly High school. Your knowledge far surpasses theirs. So this should be easy as pie. We will have a black SUV dropping you off and picking you up. You are a Senior, and your name is Sabre Black. Any questions?" I look down. "No sir." He gets me brought back to my room. "You start this morning." I nod. They give me a new outfit. I normally wore a light blue shirt and white pants. I now wore skinny jeans and a grey shirt. A wore a leather jacket over top and some combat boots. I even was allowed a black choker with the word "Black" molded into it. I got cool fingerless gloves. And per request I was given a black and white beanie. So I was typical bad boy. Nice. They drove me to school, handing me everything I could need.

I got out the car and all eyes are on me. "Remember, Your being watched at all times." I look around, "Yes sir." I start walking. I look at the papers I was given. Locker 666? They really didn't have to. First class is math. Great. I walk to my locker, with all eyes on me. They were a bunch of different animals. It was so cool. I reached my locker. I don't bother with a code and just punch it open. I look through it. They gave me everything, holy shit. I pull out what I need then close my locker. I lean against the lockers as I read my schedule. I glance up and see the room system. How intresting? I pop a piece of gum in my mouth and start walking. I walk into class as the bell rings. "You may be new here, but I don't pardon tardiness. I'll let you off with a warning for now but don't let it happen again." She was a fox. Correction, Kitsune. I pause, "I'm sorry Foxy, but I wasn't late. The bell rang after I stepped into this classroom." I start. She turns to face me again. "What did you call me?" The whole class was now staring at me. "Foxy." I smirk, and walk to the back of the classroom and sit down. I lean on my hand, "Now, if you were the teacher your acting like, you would just dismiss this delinquent child, and actually teach your class." I state blandly. She clears her throat and forces a smile, starting her lesson. I pulled out a piece of paper and start sketching. A Kitsune... That's a new one. What other things with this school bring? I look down. Not bad... but not good... I look up as the bell rings. I slide my paper into my bag and head out. Next up, free period. I walk to the court yard. I get a call on the provided phone. I answer as I lean against a wall. "How may I help you?" The scientist was the one to call. "666, I should have said something before. But you have to be a good kid. You start acting like a delinquent and were pulling you." I sigh, "I understand sir, But she was out of line. I had to speak up. I promise to be on my best behavior from now on." I could hear his smirk. "That's all I ask." And he hangs up. Fucking Bitch. I sigh. I look around the corner as I hear someone cry for help. It was a female on the floor against the wall. A male stood infront of her, face to face with another male. They were being bullied, and the male was trying to take all the hits. I dash forward to catch the next hit. I push the male back. "What are you doing?!" He yells at me. I look him up and down. "Is your name Tyler by chance?" He goes wide eyed. "Yes..." I nod. "Well Tyler. I would like to know why you were bullying someone?" He growls. "Its a gay faggot and a female. They deserve it." Again. I sigh, "Alright Tyler, let's address this first. Female? So she didn't do anything to specifically attack you? So your calling her inferior because she's female?" He growls again, "That's exactly what I'm saying bitch." I glare, "So answer me this, Why are women inferior to males?" He goes silent. "So you can't answer that. Alright, moving on. Why are gays inferior to straights?" Nothing. I glance behind me at the two cowering. I look back at Tyler. I still had his arm in my grip from catching his throw. I push him back to the ground so I was standing above him. "Let this serve as a lesson to you and whatever lackeys you might have. I don't want you anywhere near these two or me. You want to talk to me, it better be to answer those questions. I don't you to ever even think about bullying someone. For any reason." He was scared shitless. I stare down at him emotionlessly. "Now. Scram." He scrambles to his feet and runs. I turn, then kneel to the two. "Are you guys injured?" I whisper. The girl shakes her head, the male doesn't answer. "T-Thank you.." The female mumbles. I shrug, "That dude was an asshole. No one deserves to be treated that way." The male finally talked. "I do. I'm different." I stand to be face to face with him. "Listen here and listen closely. Being different is amazing and don't let anybody else tell you other wise. Remember this, They try to put you down, because your above them. And they can't handle it." I give the closest I can to a smile. Like a half small smile. It disappears quickly. I hold out a hand and help the other up. "The bell should ring soon. I'll see you guys around." I wave and walk away.

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