Lucas x saber

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(I'm warning you this is probably really bad and short)

Lucas pov-

have you ever wondered what would it be like if you loved someone that you knew you could never have? well I will tell you, it sucks. I'm in love with one of my best friends but he's to cool for me. I sound like some teenage girl, having a crush on the cool bad boy.

saber pov~

I know he likes me, he doesn't hide it very well. I may act like the cool guy but I'm not. I'm insecure, im worthless, I've made to many mistakes. I had a rough childhood, that's why I'm like this now. I grew up learning to fight, did I want to? no, I need too.

saber and Lucas~

life isn't fair, I learned that the hard way. will life go my way one day? only fate knows.

Lucas pov-

saber was at the store so to clear my head I got onto minecraft. I log on to sabers Steve saga sever. it's is covered in fire? well we hadn't cleaned up yet, so I got to work.

-small time skip-

after repairing everything, I heard the door open. i take off my head phones and look over, sabers back. "hey, whatcha doing." saber asked. his soft voice makes my heart melt. "just repairing the Steve saga server" I replied looking back at the computer. "well I'm going to make dinner soon what would you like?" saber asked. "you don't have to cook, you went to the store let me cook" I protested. "no i insist, what would you like?" he asked again. "i don't care" I said, looking at him. "ok then, dinner will be done in 30" saber said walking out. I sighed, he such a perfect person. why did I have to fall in love with someone like him?

sabers pov~

when I was talking with Lucas he seemed so down. maybe he still thinks he can't get with me? I chuckled, same as every one else then. Lucas said he didn't care what I made, but I know him better, he always wants my famous lasagna. I know that kid to well, he learned a long time ago not to ever lie to me, so I learned quiet a lot.

couple minutes before I said dinner would be done Lucas came into the kitchen, he didn't say anything he just came up to me and hugged me. I stumbled back a little not expecting it, but hugged back anyway. "you ok lucas?" I whispered. he faintly shook his head no. "do you want to take about it?" I asked, he shook his head no again. "can you let go for a minute so I can get dinner out of the over then you can high me all you want, ok?" I whispered again. he reluctantly pulled back. I pulled the lasagna out of the over and sat it on the counter to cool. I grabbed Lucas's arm and pulled him to the living room so we can sit down.

I finnaly got a good look at Lucas's face, his eyes glossy from tears. he had tear tracks all down his face, his eyes red and puffy as well. I pulled him in to a hug, he hugged back instantly. "if you don't want to talk about it, what can I do to make you feel better?" I asked quietly. "j-just stay and c-cuddle with m-me" he whispered, his voice sounding so broken. I picked him up and brought him to my room, why? I have a big flat screen tv in my room so we can watch movies. I sat him on the bed. "I'm going to get blankets and a movie, can you sit here for a minute?" I whispered, he nodded.

I walked back into the room after getting the stuff to see Lucas snuggled up with one of my pillows. I awwed quietly, i sat the stuff down on the night stand and put in the movie. I grabbed the blanket and layed down next to Lucas hugging him from behind, this startled him a bit but relaxed realizing who it is. I wrapped the blanket around us, "is there anything else you need darling?" I asked, not caring that I called him darling. he shook his head no. I pulled him back so his back was flush against my chest.

Lucas pov-

I got a letter in the mail saying my mom died in a car crash, so first thing I did was go hug saber, he always makes me feel better. so now saber was cuddling me in his room, watching a movie so I could feel better. I wasn't paying attention to the movie, more like the big muscular arms wrapped around me. saber had one arm wrapped around my waist and move the other so he could play with my hair. I wanted to see what he would do, so I pretended to fall asleep. I leaned back and relaxed, letting my eyes fall closed. he chuckled at me, he let go of my hair and pulled me back more. I didn't know what he was doing until I felt the back board on my back, where did saber go? I was leaned up against the head bored, and sabers arms moved.

what is he doing? I heard the click of a lock. did he lock the door? I felt something go around my  head, fabric? I opened my eyes to only see darkness, why do I have a blindfold on? I just left my eyes open, my hands were pulled behind my back and tied together. I was now knealing with a blindfold on, and my wrist bound together.  I was so confused.

sabers pov~

I've wanted to do something like this for a while, I know he really isn't asleep. so I didn't try to be gentle, I'm now looking at the master piece in front of me. he looks so fragile, I went up to him and kissed him. this clearly took him by surprise. he pulled back at first but I rested my hands on the side of his face so he couldn't pull back, this is when he noticed it was me. he kissed back with just as much passion, I swiped my tongue on his bottom lip, silently asking for permission. he denied, I growled. i took on hand off his face and palmed him roughly through his jeans. he gasped/moaned, I shot my tongue into his mouth leaving nothing untouched. he continues to moan, I still hadn't stoped or slowed from palming him. I pulled away from the loss to see a string of saliva connecting us.

I reached behind Lucas and untied the blindfold. I fell to show his eyes have half closed, still recovering from the bliss earlier. I undid the binds on his hands, this is when he looked me in the eyes. "w-wha-" he was about to ask but I shushed him, "your about to ask why I just did that, it's because I love you too. now if you don't have any questions then I'm going back to cuddling." I stated, he didn't make any effort to talk so I took that as a no. I went back to hugging him, I played with his hair as well. he slowly fell asleep, snoring softly. i love this man so much. I wonder what he's dreaming about?

part 2? so I've noticed that I almost always doing either something involving depression or smut. do that bother any one? it's just manly what I read so I'm good at that, if it bothers you guys I can try to do something different. anyway that's all, peace✌

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