Yes. An actual story

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So... This is relatively short for a few reasons. One, I'm still not as big about Sabre as I was. Two, this is about assassin's creed and I haven't watched it in forever and I have terrible memory. But this is here and whatever, so let's go.

Sabres pov~
I jump awake again. ugh. I haven't been sleeping recently so they forced me to lay down and close my eyes. I fell asleep and 5 minutes later in here awake again because of a nightmare. I sigh and stand up, pulling up my hood. I walk out and see the others crowding around my desk, "no, no. that's there." Spency says. "but... that doenst make sense? nothing here makes sense!" I walk forward and look over them, being the tallest. "actually it's the 4th 5th quadrant." I comment. all eyes turn to me. "you shouldn't be in here mister!" Colleen shouts at me. she tries to push me but I catch her hand. "we have a new member today and you are now assigned the task of training them." I comment and easily push her to the side. I sit down and start neatly scribbling what I need to. "Shark will come with me to greet to newcomer and after we test them we will bring them here." I explain, easily finishing a few papers at once. I'm the leader, paperwork is easy. I finish the stack and stand. "Lets go Shark." I call. he stands up from his leaning position, "yes sir." we walk out of the hideout. i climb up a tree and he just scales a wall, we both end up on the roof in the end. we travel by rooftop to the market. "yikes. your posters are still up." he points out, I see that too. "who cares if I'm wanted? all the more fun." i drop down into an alleyway. I notice a girl leaning against a stall, looking around. I gesture over. she casually walks over. she makes it to the alleyway. "welcome Astri." *As-tree. Pronunciation is hard.* I greet. "I'm assuming your the leader then?" I nod. she bows her head, "sir." Shark calls. I turn, "yes?" he holds up his wrist. I can make out the time even in the dark. "we're low on time..." she gasps, "your wearing a bandana and it's dark, how can you see?" I smirk. "you know. we all question it. but Sabre always surprises us. you get used to it." I look back. "let me see your wrist." he holds up her hand. I grab her by the wrist and trace her wrist. I watch as black marks appear on her skin. she watches confused but not in any pain. "she passed. Welcome to the brotherhood." I state, letting go. she smiles, "that's amazing!" I look back at Shark. "I need to check something, get her back. And if anything happens contact me immediately." he nods, "yes sir. Let's go Astri." he pulls her up to the roofs. I walk into one of my hideout houses and change into some more casual attire to blend in. I walk out into the market, and look at all the templar guards standing around. I pull the bandana off. then I walk up to one, "excuse me sir?" he turns, "may I help you?" I look around nerviously. "I was just curious about the increase of templar guards around. I was here last week and it wasn't this bad... did something happen? are we not safe?!" I pull a frightened act. he smirks, "no sir. You are perfectly safe. there's just been a threat going around. we need more guards to assure your protection." I flash a fake smile, "oh, thank you sir! I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I'll leave you to do your job now." I walk off. i swiftly change back to normal. so their hiding my and the brotherhoods existence from the public. I'm just a meaningless threat aye? I'll show you meaningless. I walk into the shadows and hide from the public eye. I pull out a bow and arrow and swiftly shoot the one guard, a nice little note attached to the arrow. everyone crowds around as he falls to his knees, bleeding out. I head back to the base. I slip inside.

"He's nothing compared to me!" I freeze. then lower my head and smirk. "better than who now?" I ask. all eyes turn to me. "better than you obviously!" I chuckle menacingly and walk up to her, towering over her. "I worked for 20 years to get to where I am now. And I continue to fight every single minute. your new here, I'll excuse you for now. I hear this nonsense again and you'll be punished. I'm your leader for a reason." I explain. And with that I walk away, "I'll be in my room if you need me." I call. "geesh what's his problem?" she mumbles. "he's been through a lot. we all owe him our lives. you shouldn't talk about him like that. he deserves his position." I walk inside my room. why? why did I agree to this? I'm gathering the artifacts. of course. but why me? my ancestors were somebody. I'm nobody. I'm a pawn in this game where I play my ancestors to help others. I pull out my sword. the brotherhoods most prized possession. And it's my families. not mine. when I leave I'll be the most fit person ever and actually know how to fight but who cares? I'm gaining feelings for people I shouldn't, I'm becoming someone else. who am I? I have the knowledge of all of my ancestors at this point, but who am I? "we owe him our lives" "he's been through so much." I sigh, "isn't it kinda weird that Sabre seems to do literly anything for us?" I hear the voice through the wall. "I don't know. he always does that, putting himself last. it's kinda admirable." I stand up and put my sword away. I change out of my assassin clothes. I slide on a long sleeve green shirt that lucky didn't hug closely to my chest. that could have been bad. I pull on some grey skinny jeans and some green shoes. I slide my bandana off and fix my hair then tie it on again. I pull on a black leather jacket and pull the hood up. I sigh and look in my cracked mirror. I adjust my sleeve. I then look around my room, I have a desk bunk bed thing. you know, desk below and bed above. I've gotten awfully adjusted to no electronics though. I look over at my burning candle. I then look at the small couch I have sitting in the other corner. my room is mostly just empty space. I walk over and blow out my candle. I always was better in the dark. easy to hide, no one can see my movements, easier for me to see. surprising right? I sit casually on the couch.

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