the red room and flowers?

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i know something's won't make sense, it's things about my real life so just comment if you dont understand.

sabers pov~
I wake up in a room, it has light green walls, and a light blue carpet. in on corner is a phone and a computer, the phone charging and sitting on a desk. in the other corner is a bunch of bookshelves, a table In the middle.  then in another corner it has a table with puzzles and art supplies. then in the last corner it has a sign, two buttons and a door. i had a look of pure joy. i walk to the sign, 'hello, the button on your left is for the bathroom. the button on the right is for food and water, we will come by once every day to give you clothes." it explains. i nod. i also see camera's up in the top corners, by the roof. i then walk to the books, i quickly scan over the spines. these all sound intresting.

I just go and lay in the center of the room. this reminds me of the old days. my mom would always tell me "son, i want you to remember you are special." tears would come to her eyes. "promise me you won't stop fighting. cruel people will try and kill you, don't let them." i would nod. then she would take me out to train. i smile softly at the memory, i hear someone walk in the room. i look at the door. a guy with dark brown hair and sunglasses. "i need you to come with me" he says. i nod and stand up, he grabs me by the arm and pulls me out. he pulls me through multiple hallways then into another room. this one looked like a standard office. wood floors, bookshelves, a big desk, two chairs in front of the desk. he pushes me into a seat, then stands by the door. body gaurd I believe. i look at the desk, the chair behind it was turned around. then it's turned to me. he's the boss i believe. "ah, you have no clue how long I've been wanting this opportunity saber." he says. i raise an eyes brow. "it couldn't have been long. your 40, and nobody other than my parents even knew I existed until you were thirty." i say, his eye twitched. "don't mock me! do you know what kind of situation you are in!" he shouts I laugh. "yeah, yeah I do. your an idiot who only knows how to use a gun and bark orders at people. a body guard stands at the door, who you know i can easily take down. and I have a camera watching this whole conversation. but by time those people can get in here I will be gone. so go ahead, test me" I say simply, the guard stifles a laugh. you could see steam coming from the bosses ears. i stand up, i walk up to the guard. "do you have to come with me or can I just go to my room?" i ask. "I'm afraid you cant go yet" he says. i push him to the side like a feather, i walk out the door. people try to stop me.

"can i just go to my room?!" i shout, people back up. i walk to my room and walk in. i slam the door behind me, i then walk to the phone. i turn on youtube, log in, delete my history, and play some music. then go to the desk with the art supplies. i just start drawing, in about an hour I have an eye half done. i have the base but no details so it looks fake and you cant tell who's it is. i went to keep working but someone knocked on the door and walks in. it was the guard from before. "boss made me your personal guard. names shark" he says. i nod, "that's not your real name is it?" i question. not looking at him, i got back to work on my drawing. "no, how'd you know?" he asked. i could tell he was blushing. "don't question that. so basicly, if your my personal guard does that mean you have to abide by my rules?" i ask smirking.

"well yes, as long as I don't disobey boss. i can't like, let you go or anything like that." he explains. i nod, i stand up. i flip over to the phone that was still playing music softly. "how'd you do that?" he asked quietly. "you mean flip across the room?" i question back. he nods, i smile. "that's not important. now, do you think you can be a dear and get me some food?" i ask nicely. he nods, "be right back sir" he walks out. i smirk, it's going to be a nightmare following my rules. i change the song and go grab a book. Legend of the Missing Prince. i look at the book in horror. they really made a legend about him? no, it can't be him. i start reading, after i read the first chapter I knew it was him. i keep reading, it's just as he told me. i look down, i still have the necklace. just then shark walks in. he hands me a plate and stand back by the door. i sit the plate down.

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