ha ha....

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it's funny, isn't it? you can go your whole life, trying. trying to do everything right, trying to please everyone. you can wake up everyday, put on a fake smile and walk out your room. and cheer up everybody.

but... what do you get in return? you get beaten. you get bullied. you lose something or someone. you get every bad thing possible thrown at you. stressed, ridiculed, beaten or harassed. by the people you wake up everyday to make happy? wake up and do everything you can to be the best, and people despise you for it. when in reality you just wanted to impress them or make them happy. but in the end, you walk right back to that room and let your mask crumble. your smile leaves, and you fall to your bed crying. does anybody care? NO. and they never will. because they find joy because you went through what they went through. because they go through the same battle as you, just handle it worse.

and people like TheCookster2 and mystery794 will agree. you probably all will. because that's the kinda fucked up world we live in. and who is trying to stop it? nobody. because we have learned that only one thing could end this. kill everything, and program it better. just like video games that the world is obsessed with. something goes wrong, you reset and try again. but in the end? it will just happen again. so you can't fix it. go ahead, walk out into the world and tell them to stop being assholes. see how hurt you get. see how much people will listen. yeah, that number of people is the same number of people actually give a fuck about your feelings.

not one person cares. they never will. because you live in a world that is just a love and hate cycle. everybody hates you. you have everybody. but in the end you "love" someone. but do you really? or is it just an illusion the mind creates because you feel lonely. everything is just an illusion the mind creates, because you want it to happen. but it never will.

because life is fucked up. how did it get this way? the world was happy, kids got along with family. they would go outside and play games. now? kids lock themselves in their rooms, in the dark, watching and doing stuff on computers and tablets and phones. ruining their health. and adults don't care. they never will. just like kids they've learned, we live in a place that can't be fixed. ever.

who gives a fuck if I'm ranting right now? you'll probably read this and go on with your life or not read it and do the same. because, that's who humans are. take what they want. never changing. maybe they will, maybe in the billions of years the plant will survive, maybe humans can change. but I doubt it. the destruction of the world is the only thing that will change human life. maybe even then, it won't. humans will just go and ruin another planet.

I don't know when this will be posted. but I do know, that this statement won't change. and I don't give a fuck about you not liking my ranting. or about how "it will change" or "it will get better" it wont. I know first hand. all of you have been depressed at some point. or will be. but me myself, a 11 year old girl, have experienced it enough. and can say, it's not a good thing. and I'm willing to talk to any of you. anytime. if I don't respond in probably busy or at school. but I want to make y'all happy. if you have any concerns with anything I do, feel free to tell me. I don't mind hate, actually I condone it. I hope you will criticize me, let's me know I'm not perfect. write to you later.

also 666 words bruh.

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