times up

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sabers pov~
I smile as i wake up, it was another nightmare. yep, i smile at nightmares. it's okay, I've seen and been through worse. i just get ready, i have school today. a new school to. yay. i just drive to school, my hood up and bandana covering my eyes. same old, same old. i park my expensive car and get out, the school like just like any other. sad. what can you expect from humans? i walk in, people imedatly start gossiping. i just walk past them to the principle, i knock three times. i hear a deep voice say "come in" I walk in. a older looking guy sits at the desk, from here I can sense that he's an asshole. i stand up straighter, "I'm here to get my schedule?" i state. not showing any fear. he grabs a paper, "you know you can't wear hoods in school." he says.

i smirk, "does it look like I care?" he growls, i sigh. "just give me my schedule and I can leave in peace." he tries to throw it at me. i easily catch, "thanks" I walk out. i look at it once, quickly memorizing it and burning it with a lighter I had. i walk to my first class, i walk in late. all heads turn to me, "sup" I say casuly. the teacher looks mad, "you have a hood on and walk in late. not a good first start" I sigh. "everyone needs to just let the hood thing drop. and im late because the principle took forever giving me my schedule. don't believe me ask him. or dont, i don't care" I shrug and walk to sit in the back. someone tries to trip me but I jump over them, i stop. "I'm much smarter than you'll ever be. don't try that" I say and go to my seat. i just doze off, my eyes open. yes I sleep with my eyes opem, it's very helpful. soon the bell rings, i stand up. not needing to pack up, i grab my bag. i end up being the first out, i feel someone push me from behind. i close my eyes and breath deeply, don't loose control. i walk to my next class, im the first in. i look at the teacher, i walk up to her. "hey. I'm the new kid" I say shortly. she turns to me, "ah, yes. hello. I'm going to give you a test so I can see your place." she explains. i nod, "anything else I need to know?" i ask, people start walking in behind us. "no, i think thats it." i nod and walk to my seat, siting down. people slowly file in, i just watch from behind.

the teacher walks up to me and sets down a paper. i scan over it, way to easy. "would you like me to start this now?" i ask. she nods, i quickly get to work. she walks back to the front of the class, she calls two names for attendance and I walk up, giving her the paper. i then go back to my seat, not paying attention to the lesson, i know it anyway. soon the bell rings, time for the next class.

-im going to skip to lunch-

I walk into he cafeteria, ugh, people. i go and sit at an empty table, i don't bother to eat. i just play on my phone, someone approaches me. "what are you doing here? why dont you come sit with me babe..." she says. i roll my eyes, this is what I get for being attractive and a mystery. "no thanks. i cool with where I am." i say. she walks to get friends and they all move and sit with me, i really didn't mind until someone tried to pull down my hoodie. i stand abruptly, i turn to whoever it was. it was some kid wearing a foot ball jersey, a jock wannabe. "hey look, it's the ugly kid. why you wearing the hoodie for huh? trying to hide your ugly?!" he accused me. i smirk, "actually I'm not ugly. if you want to see ugly, just look in a mirror, jock wannabe." i roast then walk away as the bell rings. leaving him dumb founded. he also in my next class, every time I was forced to answer a question I got it correct. then he approached me after class, "look its the nerd!" he shouts. "thank you! by calling me a nerd, you are therefore saying I'm smarter than you. so I thank you!" i say. he looks mad, "b-but i-i-" he stumbles over his words. i smirk, "what, im a just so fab your speechless at my presence? why thank you! im flattered!" i say then walk out. that dude needs to actually learn something, then he can talk to me. or not. i don't care.

anyhow, i go to my next class. i walk in, my teacher greats me in Spanish. "Hola" she says. i nod, "hola a ti también mis" I say back. she looks amazed, "how do you already know advanced Spanish?" she asked. i shrug, "i was grown up to be a very diverse person. i know many langues." i explain. she nods. i walk to my seat, i then do the same as every other class.

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