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max pov~
I wake up, another day at work. i sigh and stand up, i quickly get dressed in a black long sleeve shirt and some black jeans. I tuck my Z necklace into my shirt, i walk out. it's still too early for tim and ross to wake up, i sigh and walk out side, it was a nice day today. mostly cloudy, probably will rain later, my favorite. I walk back in, i look at the time, i should be waking the guys now. I go into tims room, i use an airhorn on my phone. he jumps up, "I'm awake!" he says loudly. I sigh, "get ready for work tim." I say, he nods. i walk off to rosses room, somehow he was still asleep. I walk over and shake him, "wakey, wakey ross." I say, just loud enough to get him to start waking up. "5 more hours...." he says tiredly. "ross, we have work in 20" I say in a soothing tone. he sighs, sitting up. "fine" he says. I stand up and walk out, leaving him to his own devices. I walk in my room and grab my phone and jacket, i walk out. "hey max, where's you necklace?" Tim asked, i sigh. I pull it out from under my shirt, i then put it back. "ohhhh" he says. I nod, siting down.

"where's ross?" he asked, i shrugged. "how am i supposed to know?" I ask. he shakes his head, Ross walks out. "let's go" he says, still tired. we nod, Tim drives and I'm in shotgun, Ross in the back. I subconsciously start itching my arm, i look out the window bored. soon we reach the office, Ross somehow fell asleep. I reach back and shake him. "were here ross" I say, he groans and nods. I get out of the car, Ross follows. Tim locks the car and gives me my keys, we walk in. we happen to be the first here, i separate from the group, going to the bathroom. I walk in and quickly lock the door, i look down at my arms, pulling my sleeves up. the red soaked through my sleeves, great now I can't take my jacket off. I rinse of my arm and sit down, loving the sting of the water on my cuts. I pull my sleeves back down, i then walk out, my arms hanging limply at my sides.

I ignore Adam as he trys to mess with me, i go and sit down. I load up my computer, i slide on my head phones, ignoring the outside world. I get to work on editing, until Ross sits next to me. I slide one side of my headphones back. "what's up ross?" I ask. "the sky" he jokes, Adam came running over. "i heard someone say my name!" he shouts. I sigh, i turn back to my computer. after he leaves I turn back to ross, "I noticed your only talking to me. what's that about?" he asked. I smirk, "what, i can't talk to the only person here that's not a complete asshole, and I happen to know the longest." I say, he laughs. god, that was cute. "well, thank you for the compliment. now, as much as I would love to keep talking. you need to Finnish your work" Ross says. I sigh, "fine" I turn back to my computer. I had the video finnished quickly, not bothering to much detail in it. it was just one of Adams videos. "there. I'm finnaly down with that!" I say. tired as fuck. "well, we shouldn't have any more work until after lunch" Ross says. I groan, i lean back in my chair, sliding my headphones to around my neck. I look at ross, "what do we do now?" I ask. he shrugs, "talk about pointless topics." he suggests. "how long until we run out of those?" I ask. he shrugs, "the world is a weird thing. people have it in their minds, that they feel strongly about something. when in reality that's not going to last forever. love is possibly the only thing that can last forever. either way, humans will make new things to talk about as life goes on, so we can never run out of things to talk about" Ross says, looking at me as he explains. I smile at him, "I like it when you act smart. you should act smart more often." I point out, he blushes. he smiles shyly and nods. I smile, this should be fun. "you got anything else in their smarts?" I ask. he laughs and nods,

"you know that sound you hear when it's quite? Some people say this is an auditory; an illusion brought about the ear's inability to detect frequencies below the threshold of the human senses. That's wrong, though. That ringing covers up something else all together. If you are quick, patient and maybe a little lucky, you will be able to hear past the ringing. what you will hear is voices whispering to each other. they will silence themselves quickly but with more patience, you will be more adept at catching and interpreting what their saying. you will hear things about the past, present, and future. however, you must be careful because there is no such thing as a voice without a body. And when you start noticing them, they will start noticing you."

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