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so yeah... this is going to be intresting...

i lay in bed, thinking. what did i do to deserve this. i dont deserve them, i would give up my life for them. there always so nice to me, even if they dont know what im going through. many ask, what would it be like when i die? well ill tell you its not a fun experience. yes ive died, multiple times. but i come back everytime. im one of those people who have done just about everything, cooking? done it. arrested? done it. died? done it. you name it.

yet, no one really knows who i am. because in order to keep them safe, they cant know me. im a dangerous person. why? because im not even human, im one of the most dangerous beings in the universe.

all of a sudden i hear my door bell ring, thats odd. i stand up slowly, i quickly walk to the front door. i look through the peep hole thing and see its max? i open the door, "hey" i say, must i just say i look like shit. my hair is messed up, as well as my clothes. "hey, can i come in? i need to talk to you." max says, i nod. i step out of the way, he walks in. i lead him to the kitchen, "can i get you anything?" i ask, he shakes his head. "so what do you need?" i ask again. "somethings wrong with Adam. hes more bossy, he isn't as happy as normal, he doesnt even call me mad max anymore. which im good with, its just weird for him." max explains, i nod. "ill go by the office and see whats happening. i let you know as soon as i know" i say, he nods. "now is there anything else?" i ask, he nods. "can i stay here for a bit?" he asked, "of course, but why?" this isn't normal, i can tell already. "tim and ross are fighting." he says simply, "alright, you can stay here tonight while i stop the fighting." i say, already planing out how to fix it. he nods.

after we get max settled in the guest bedroom i get ready then drive to max's apartment. i was about to knock on the door but i could already here screaming. i try the door nob, and its unlocked. i walk in, ross and tim are screaming at each other in the living room. i cant even understand what there saying because most of it is covered by screaming. i stand behind both of them, "ENOUGH!" i scream, the nabors probably heard me. Tim and ross look at me, "someone better explain this instant!" I yell at them, not as loud as before but my voice still made there legs shake. "why the hell were you to fighting?" I ask, "because I think it was his fault max left and he thinks it's my fault." Tim rushes out, I look at ross. "is this correct?" I ask, he nods.

"well your both correct, he left because your both idiots. if you two would have just stop fighting all the time and listened to how max felt, he wouldn't have left. he'll be back tomorrow, if he comes back saying you guys are still fighting I will not be happy. now do you guys need to spend the day apart or do you need to spend the day even closer?" I ask, a misevious glint in my eye. they both shake there heads quickly, very scared. "now both of you to your rooms, im bringing max back tomorrow and I expect you to apologise." i say, "yes mam." they say and walk out, i shake my head fondly. i then walk out the house locking it behind me. when I see the nabors walking out of there house, probably to ask what the commotion is about.

after clearing up what happened to the nahbors I go back home. tomorrow will be a long day. i can smell that max in awake, i walk over to the guest room. i lightly knock three times on the door, "come in" max says, i walk in. max is siting against the headboard, his knees pulled up to his chest, his face buried in his knees. his phone is on the other side of the room, cracked. i run over, "are you okay?" I ask, lightly sitting a hand on his back. some may or may not know but under his whole 'mad max' thing, he's really fragile. he shakes his head and starts crying, i sit next to him and pull him into a hug. "what happened? you don't have to tell me." i say softly, "c-can you j-just look at m-my p-phone?" he stutters out. i stand up, picking him up as well because he was basicly clinging to me.

I pick up his phone then go back and sit down again. max had cried himself to sleep, i turn on his phone. its on a text conversation, with ross... oh no. I'll sum up the conversation for you.

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