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I wrote this on paper originally, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. also sorry for so many time skips.

sabers pov~
I wake up, eyes scanning the room. My eyes land on the clock, 6 am. good. Welcome to my life in an insane asylum, i don't talk and have never uncovered my eyes. I'm 21 and have been here most of my life. I'll tell you why later. Apparently I'm getting a roommate today, they tried to not have people room with me because I'm 'unstable'. whatever. I sit up when the nurse walks in, "good your awake. you meet the new kid at group." she walks away. bitch. I stand up, running my hands through my hair. they don't let me use a brush or comb, scared I'll use it in a bad way. not like they don't have cameras watching me 24/7, perverts. Then the bell rings for breakfast. a scream echos down the hallway. I walk out the room and down the hallway. I walk into the cafeteria, i keep my head up and my back strait. posture is important to me. My eyes scan the room, people flinch once my head turns to them. I get my food and sit with my group, Consisting of Nathan, who is super anereic. (don't know how to spell it.) Moose, he doesn't sleep. Lucas, his is hard to explain. you will see. There's a few other's but you'll meet them later. I'm not really friends with any of them, but with the system, i have to sit with them. I listen to them talk as I trace the marks on my arms. "hey mute?" I look up, Nathan. "do you know when were meeting the new kid?" I nod, "group" I say silently. he nods, we have group after lunch. so its a while away.

-time skipy-

I walk into the room for group, after sitting and reading for a while. I sit in the chair and look around. The new kid is fidgeting in his seat. he had curly light brown hair, and dark blue eyes. he was rubbing his wrists together. A girl comes running in, "I'm so sorry I'm late!" she yells, Lucas had to be a charmer. "Its fine" He has that signature smirk of a smile on his face, that I just want to slap off. "well group, as you know we have a new kid. can you please introduce yourself?" He looks up, "What if I don't want to?" He smirks. I think we will get along just fine. "I wasn't asking. I'm telling you to." she growls. He laughs, "jessh calm down. It was a joke. Well I'm Andrew, but you can call me shark."

he looks at me but looks away immediately. everyone else introduced themselves, then it came to me. I hold up a white board, "Hello, I don't really have a name... so feel free to call me whatever." he nods. "so shark why are you here." he laughs, "Well, I'm suicidal." she nods slowly. He smiles again, how does he smile so much? The bell rings above, and another scream is heard down the hallway. Shark jumps, "does that always happen?!" I nod, everyone stands up. "Shark you will follow the mute, your sharing a room." The girl says, He nods and we stand up. we walk out of the room, we walk in silence. I write something down and then stop shark. "I can tell you want to ask questions, you can. I don't mind." He nods, "Have you ever talked?" he asked. I think for a second then nod. "You said you don't have a name, but weren't you given one at birth?" I have to write this one down. "technically yes, but over the years I've been given so many other names that it's long gone." He nods then starts telling about how he got the name shark. I lean against the wall listening, we had stoped at the room anyway. He finished his story then looked at me, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"oh sorry, I ranted." I shook my head, writing. "it's fine. plus you look happy when you talk about something you like. I may not talk back but feel free to talk to me anytime." He smiles shyly, "thank you brunette." I raise an eyebrow. "one, your bipolar. two, brunette?" His face paled, "yes I'm bipolar. and I'm working on it okay?!" I give a half smile, his eyes widened. "you can smile!" I face palm, changing back to emotionless. I push him into the room. "do you know sign language?" He nods, "good. now this is our room. you get to right side. And no, nothing you can use to kill yourself is in here. they made sure of it because of me..." he give me a look of question but nods. I sit down on my bed and watch him explore the room. "cameras?" he asked, i nod. "I've heard them. you can see them but they're there. they can't hear us but an officer walks up and down the hallway." he nods. "do you mind if I complain/rant to you for a minute?" he asked shyly, sitting next to me. I shake my head, he starts talking. about his bullies and his family and why he's suicidal, at some point he layed in my lap. Then he falls into silence. "I just realised I explained my entire life to you, and I just met you." I half smile, "I have that affect on some people." I sign. he nods. I look at the time, it's about dinner. "let's go to dinner." he nods, sitting up. we walk out, at lunch I walk with shark. who was telling me some story, we got to the table. he takes a fork and snaps it in half. I turn to him, then get an idea. I stand up and walk over to a nurse who was standing to the side. I hold up crossed fingers. She nods and we walk out of the room. she has to walk my to the bathroom to make sure I don't run off. I walk in and sneak through a secret passage I made. it leads to the security room. I take the cords that connect the cameras in my room. I break a few other's so they don't know it's me. I sneak back then go to the nurse. and my day goes back to normal. once we get back to the room shark asked me about it. I hand him the cords. he wraps a cord tightly around his neck, then pulls out the sharp plastic. he stabs it into his arm, dragging it down. he faints, i grab the plastic and cords and hide them. I pick him up and sit him on my bed. I open my dresser and wrap up his arms with some bandages I had. I grab a book and sit next to him waiting.

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