Chapter 7: Without A Problem

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Uma looked across the table; Harry looked back with his devil may care smile and Gil beside him with the winning grin that he had luckily inherited from his handsome father.

These were her closet allies, these were the only ones she had the closest thing to trust toward.

"Do you guys understand the plan?" She asked, looking firmly between them.

Harry nodded confidently. "Of course."

Gil, on the other hand, looked a bit lost. "Wait so, I take her where you said and I just have to wait? I don't need to keep her tied to anything or keep her quiet?"

Uma had to take a deep breath to ease her annoyance. "If she wants to go home it will be in her interest not to try anything. She'll stay put, don't worry about that."

"But what if she tries to take a swing at me?"

"Then she takes a swing at an idiot," Harry said, flicking him across the nose. Gil rubbed his nose and sat back.

"We'll get to see if you're as slick as your father." She told him.

"I kinda am."

"Then don't worry about a swinging fist, Gil."

"Oh, I can't wait to finally have a little bit of fun with these Auradon dweebs. I might even carve my initials on someone's face."

"No. Stick to the plan or I promise it will be my initials on your neck." She threatened.

Harry bit his lip and pulled down the neckline of his shirt, "Don't go making promises you can't keep, my dear. I'd enjoy having your initials carved into my neck. Things like that last forever."

She humored him and took out her sword his eyes widened with glee as she trailed the end of the sword along his neck. She nicked him in the neck and he let out a hiss and then she stopped.

"I prefer it when you say my name, looking at it won't be as nice."

Harry pursed his lips and slowly breathed out her name, "Uma..."

"Never forget it." And she put away the sword.

"...So I'm totally okay with having no marks or initials on any part of my body. I'm perfect the way I am." Gil interrupted.

"Who was offering?" She said coldly.

He shrugged. "I'm just saying."

Harry slapped the back of Gil's head as he stood up. "I'm going to go find our brown haired friend and get him before he decides to go anywhere this morning."

"Have him there by eight, Harry."

Harry nodded his head. "As you wish, Uma."

"So do I have to take the girl now?" Gil asked and Uma shook her head.

"No, we wait with her."

"Oh cool, I heard her sing when I was standing guard outside the door and I wanted to say that she has a beautifully enchanting voice, actually now that I think about it, it's very similar to—"

"Gil." Uma got his attention, stopping him from associating Melody with anyone famous on the Isle. Harry sensed something was wrong and he looked at her.

"I think it would be best if you went ahead and kept her company," Uma told Gil.

"Oh cool, maybe she'll sing for me if I ask nicely," Gil said excitedly before all but skipping out the door.

"Will I get to know who she is before you send her back?"

"She is insignificant," Uma said, waving it off. Harry didn't buy it.

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