Chapter 31: Nearly out

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Uma was still leaning over the Witch, watching her chest to see if she was still breathing.

"Why don't you step away from her Uma."

Why don't you make me, she thought.

She breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw that the Witch was still breathing.

Uma straightened and turned around slowly. Mal was at the door in the same purple jacket she always wore and the same smug smile that made Uma want to knock her teeth out.

"You couldn't even win the battle what makes you think you can win a war?" Mal said, crossing her arms.

Uma only stared at her. She couldn't do anything else. Uma had no sword, she had no weapon, she didn't even have her damn hat with her.

"I know you couldn't care less for the people you're hurting, but I do. We can argue all you want, we can fight, we can hate each other but why bring in innocent people? You're never going to rule Auradon, Uma. I wouldn't let you."

Uma had a grin on her face and if she could laugh she would.

"I'm glad you're finding joy out of this. It's only going to make it better when you have to hightail it back to the isle again." Mal scowled and came into the cottage.

"I wouldn't try anything. I've had plenty of time to work on my magic and there's no water and no necklace for you to use to make you stronger." Mal said, keeping her eyes on her as she kneeled down to check on the Witch.

"She's alive." Uma mouthed with a roll of her eyes.

"Okay, you're seriously creeping me out with the silence. You have to say something or it's no fun talking to you at all."

Oh, Uma had a few words she wanted to say but she didn't. It wasn't worth the effort to mouth them to her.

"Whatever sympathy you were trying to get from Ben by giving up your necklace is over once he learns what you've done here. I've heard you stole Melody's necklace and not only that tried to hurt an innocent old lady. Well, I say tried but you did, didn't you?" Mal gestured to the Witch below her.

Uma just continued watching, waiting for the second that Mal turned her eyes away so she could make a run for it.

"And you lost any pity I ever had for you the moment you threatened my friends and my home. Whatever you've done to these people, whatever you did to Carlos, to Jay, you're going to fix and you're going to pay."

Uma bit her lip and shook her head. She really wanted to laugh. She never needed anyone's pity...much less Mal's. And she couldn't fix what she never did, Mal was going to learn that the hard way. Mal briefly glanced at something just to the right of her and Uma's feet took reign.

"Close the door don't let her leave!" Mal's rushed the words, pointing at the door with her finger. The door shut close with magic and Uma stopped dead in her tracks.

"Nice try. You've been on land too long, you're losing your touch." Mal giggled and picked something off of the floor. Uma's eyes widened slightly when she saw the wrapped scone in Mal's hands. "You didn't even cover your tracks. You were too easy to find. I'm guessing, well hoping, that that has to do with the bandage you have because the Uma I know wouldn't be so easy to track."

Finally, something they agreed with. Uma was never so reckless.

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know the number to DunBroch castle?" Mal chuckled, sitting down on the round table with her phone in her hand. "That's no problem. I think Ben might have entered somebody's contact information in my phone." Mal set her phone down and started to peel off the wrapper.

"So what's up with the bandage?" She asked, picking her phone back up.

Uma blinked, watching the scone slowly come up to her mouth.

Her chance was right there. It was her chance to run. Her chance to get Mal back everything. Mal wasn't paying attention to her, too preoccupied with looking at her phone and so close to biting the scone that would make her forget everything.

Her heart was beating with how close she was to winning against Mal for once.

Mal would forget everything. 

She curled her fingers into a fist and cursed at herself.

Damn it. Uma made a run, but not for the door. Mal barely got a chance to stand as Uma knocked the scone away from her hand but that was all Mal needed to bring Uma down to the floor.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't try that. I didn't want to resort to violence. Again. " Mal sighed in frustration right next to Uma's ear. The back of Uma's head was once again bursting with pain when she hit the floor.

She'd been so close to winning but she wasn't able to take the opportunity. It was a cheap shot, an easy way out and she didn't take it. Why didn't she take it?

"I'm taking this lame anti-violence class..." Mal rambled as she stood, keeping her on the ground with her foot, "It's not bad actually, sorta helpful. You'd benefit a lot by it if you ever had the chance to take it. But you're just crushing all your chances."

Mal waited for her to respond, but Uma had nothing to say to her even if she was able to say it.

"Is that head injury actually serious because you're not one to be so quiet?" Mal chuckled lightly.

She couldn't focus on what Mal was saying, her head was reeling and her eyes were having trouble staying open.

"Crap. Uma are you okay?" Mal cursed, kneeling down over her. Uma felt the tap of Mal's palm on her cheek, "Uma if this is one of your tricks I'm warning you..."

She couldn't even think of any tricks at this point, not with her head and her eyes that just didn't want to stay open.

Uma tried to move a hand to push Mal out of her way but had trouble concentrating on doing anything and Mal talking wasn't doing anything to help her.

"Say something snarky, come on, I know you hate it when people are up in your face."

She did, she hated it, but her head was beating out any other feeling at the moment.

At least if she closed her eyes she didn't have to look at Mal, so that's what she did.

She just closed her eyes.

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