Chapter 15: News And Faith

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"...The sudden appearance of the former sea witch's daughter, Uma, has caught Auradon's attention. With more than a dozen confirmed cases of memory loss across the land, we ask ourselves; Is she the cause behind it and is C.J Hook, daughter of the dreaded pirate Captain Hook—who is still at large—a part of this? We only have—-" The television screen was shut off and Melody took the remote away from her hand.

"I told you to turn that off, Uma," Melody said, walking to her kitchen. "You weren't going to hear anything nice."

Uma was seated on Melody's couch with a pair of clothes that were comfortable but far too colorful for her taste. Melody's house was big, but not a castle. It had a modern look to it with green drapes covering every window.

"So C.J is still out there, huh?" Harry would get a kick out of that. He had wondered what happened to his younger sister after she up and disappeared from the isle only for them to later see the news report that she had been seen at Auradon. They had cheered her on despite their lack of faith in any of her plans. C.J was more up for adventure than mischief.

"Apparently," Melody called out from the kitchen.

"Auradon needs a serious police force. If they can't find C.J they really are hopeless. It's laughable really, it's no wonder everyone is able to sneak into Auradon and almost take over the land, you guys are terrible without magic to help you."

"Crime is almost non-existent."

"Until the V.K's arrived."

"There have been a few Auradonians that have had ideas of grandeur over the years but nothing ever pans out," Melody said, coming back out of the kitchen carrying a wooden tray with two plates. Melody set it on the coffee table in front of Uma and sat beside her, tucking her feet under her body.

"What the hell is that?" Uma wondered, looking at the long, red, noodles.

"Spaghetti," Melody said, grabbing her own plate and twisting a fork around the stuff. "You've never had spaghetti?"

Uma took the plate and examined the spaghetti.

"I've had some gruel noodles at the restaurant but nothing that looked like this that wasn't blood." She poked it with her fork.

Melody paused and looked at her. "You've...eaten blood?"

"Blood pudding." She corrected.

Melody dropped her fork over her plate, "Well, there goes my appetite."

Uma smiled and twisted her own fork into her spaghetti, taking a bite.

"Much tastier than blood pudding." She said, with a mouthful of the stuff, "Doesn't have that irony, chewy taste."

"Stop," Melody said, covering her mouth in disgust.

Uma chuckled, swallowing her food before speaking again. "You wouldn't last a day on the Isle of the lost."

"I didn't and I hope you don't have to go back there. It's terrible."

"Yeah, well, that's what I get for being born to my mother. A lifetime of crap."

"So...that girl...C.J Hook, do you think—"

"C.J hook is a self-centered little sparkler...shes over the top and all talk and at the very end that's all she is. She wouldn't behind this."

"And I know it's not you."

"You keep saying that as if you really knew. I've had most of the morning to wreak havoc through Auradon."

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