Chpater 13: Grey room~

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       My eyes open tardily as I recoiled from the light that hit them. It wasn't bright just single bulb hung from the grey ceiling. All around was grey. The only un-grey object was in front of me. It was a person. I shift my body gritting my teeth. It was then that I realized my body rested against a firm mattress with multiple sheets topping above. The figure who was sitting by the feet of my bed seem to notice my sudden stir however it didn't move. When my eyes finally adjust I could see that it was Ivan his side facing me. Before I could speak the man had beat me to it. "So it seems you are finally awake. You had the others worried..." He said lost in his thoughts. The male didn't speak till minutes later. "Does little one not like it here with me? ...Does she feel the need to runaway?" The Russian continued clutching the fabric of his coat in frustration. "Why does she go when all I show her is kindness. Does she not understand how lonely I am...?" "Iva-" the reply came barely audible yet the nation interrupted me again. "You said we were friends." His purple orbs firm on his lap "You were my first real friend little one. Is this what 'friends are for'. They just abandon you when you finally become happy." My tummy did a 1080. Never have I ever seen the cheerful man like this.

        I swallowed the massive lump in my throat. Slowly I reached hand out to comfort the male "Ivan I didn't mean to hur--" Instantly he smacked my hand away. He turn his head to me eyes cold as icy draggers. "Do not touch me." His growled, his violet orbs emotionless. Casting a sneer look hissing. "I do not like liars." Immediately the nation got up turning away from me. "Your actions from that night are unacceptable. I was going to punish you but it seemed those men beat me to it. However," The Russian paused "until I feel you have learned from your mistakes you will not leave this room." His tall stature made him seem intimating even if he was turned away from me. "Disobeying these rules will result in a greater punishment. " The man made his way to the stairs "Lithuania will be here shortly with food and to change your bandages." He fell silent walking away "Ivan wait I never said I didn't want to be your friend." He stopped his climb silent for a moment. "Then why did you leave me." He said voice coated with hurt and then left before I could reply.

       I stared at the stairs in guilt. No matter how much I mocked people I never intend to hurt their feelings. Well expect that gang leader... wait a minute. Realization finally hit me. The Gang! The leader! The insults! And...Ivan. He had saved me. My eyes opened wide Oh crap Im terrible! I made the man who saved me feel abandoned. I really am horrible Mentally I sighed I didn't even thank him. I'll have to do that and apologize. Nice going ______. My gaze flew around examining the furniture-less room. No chairs. No couches. No tables. Only a bed enclosed in a room of grey. This is will be fun...

       "Ah! Look who's finally up!" My (E/C) orbs shifted to the familiar voice. Toris stood on the stairs tray in hand along with a medical kit. That's when I felt it, the pain was sharp in my shoulder. I tugged at the caller of my shirt to see a blood stained bandages draped around my torso. I viewed myself in a daze.The man walks over greeting with a smile. "Seems your arm is better." He grabbed a unfolded chair from under the bed and opened it. My friend then set the tray of food on my lap instructing me to eat. "How about you eat first before I change then, you've been out for a couple days so your body needs the nutrients." I coughed in shock. "W-What!? I've been out that long!?" Toris nodded. "Yes, you were in horrible condition when Mr. Russia brough you back here. I told him you needed a hospital but he simply refused so I had to take care of you..." His hair covered his face as he stared into his lap. "It's a miracle you were able to recover as fast you have now." I already was forcing down some toast that was on my tray. My gaze fell on him "It was that bad...?" Toris just nodded then began to tear up though his gaze never shifted. "______, It's my fault that all this happened! I should've never told you to go that way everyone knows alleys were dangerous at night. What kind of friend am I?" "Toris no! It's not your fault at all." I frowned hugging my friend finishing my words trying to reassure the male. "It was just those stupid gangsters' faults." I patted his back, a sudden pain stabbed my body. Toris seemed to notice me tense up cause he pulled away quick. "Y-You okay?" I shook my head in approval wincing. "I just haven't moved in a while that's all. No reason to worry." I managed to pull a smile which seemed to ease the brunette. "Alright but I think it's time I change your bandages."

         "Um... I-I need you to take your shirt off." My eyes grew wide with crimson cheeks however, I was able to hide it so the Lithuania was unaware of my reaction. "Okay." Slowly and hesitantly I lift my clothing off my figure. Thank goodness the knife landed where it did or I probably would have had to taken more off then just a shirt. Heaving a faint sigh I was grateful to have such a good friend. With care the older male cloaked me in the fresh medical wrap. I pulled my shirt on again and the nation put everything away into the kit. "There's a pill for pain on your tray, I'll be back on a few hours to take your tray so make sure you eat. Also get plenty of rest, you'll get better soon." He smiled and left.

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