Author Note #5 :D

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Hey Reader-Chan!

Actually to all you Reader-Chanz!

I hope u guyz are enjoying the story so far. i just want to thank u all. U have no idea how grateful I am for all ur reads and especially to votez^-^

Special thankz to Neko_Canadian :D She is extremely supportive and i really do appreciate it. U r amazing and i am proud to have u as a fan!

Also Thank u to all the pplz who have kept reading update after update. it makes me to happy to know there's pplz out there doing it :)

such as:








u guyz r the awesomest fans i could have ^-^

Also to those i didn't memtion (I'm srry DX) U guyz really do motivate me. You guyz r absolutely amazing. I hoping to finish this before the 18th cause thatz when school start from me... whooopp whooppp..... (No. Just No.) But if not than i won't abandon this like most people do with long storyz. (No offense. i could understand y they do.) I am determined to finish this ^-^ plus its fun to write. Reader-Chan i promise you will not regret reading. Thank u all!!

Me: *takes a bow along with Russia, Prussia, France, Spain, America, England, Japan, Germany, Greece (I suppose), Latvia, Lithuania, Estoina, Poland and Ukraine* (Aka all those mentioned in the story or Author's note so far)

Romano: *throwz tomatoes at Spain* "Screw u tomatoe bastard!!!"

Spain: *Smilez his weird gleeful one* (Lol like from the episode when he was running in the field jumping) he really does love me. *Is being impaled by tomatoez*

Romano: *Impaling Spain*

Me: *Bowz again* *lookz over* *seez Russia is gone*

Russia: *Is being dragged off stage by Belrus* GO AWAY!!! D,X

Me: *Smirks* Be sure to continue reading. There's still plenty to come. The drama has just began.

*Curtain closez*

Comment Your OTP ;D ill feature them in the story as long as it goes with what i have in mind for the direction of the story. Don't kill each other tho :D Anyway been debating whether to do lemon or not.... tell me ur guyz thoughts.

Also i am open to request. You can ask for long storys, 2p!, One-Shotz. literally anything. Though i will do one at a time ill make sure it will be the best it can be. thank u!

Love AnimeCraze1348-Chan~✰

P.S. Srry I didn't update it yesterday like I promise. some things sorta can up so :/ But there will be one tomorrow don't worry >=D

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