Chapter 16: Laughter?~

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~Russia's POV~

Along my side she walked awkwardly with those shoes. Little one was cute when she was happy. My cheeks pinkened at thought. Maybe I should take her out more. My mind shifted over to the conversation between my boss.

"Ivan your sisters are growing more independent... Some more then others." He muttered the last part continuing. "Anyway what I'm saying is Ukraine's superior wants nothing to do with you. They have became Anti-Russian and even have formed a friendship with America, which me and you both know is obviously not good. Belarus on the other hand, even though she loves you to death, her superior decided it's about time they worked on their own country. Meaning they are prohibited to see you." My boss laid back on his chair folding his arms. "We can no longer rely on their support. They truly are independent." My heart dropped. They were abandoning me. "I see... Well if that is what they truly wish then I shall respect their choice." He whirled his chair around so he was facing away from me staring out the window. "Then that is what will be done. You can go that is all I wanted you to know. Go behave yourself." his voice full of sincerity. I nodded slowly. "Yes sir."

"Ivan?" A tug of my scarf brought me back into reality. "Yes little one?" Her face brightened as she looked away. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay... You just seemed out of it." A smile came across my face. She was cute when concerned. Placing a hand on her hair I ruffled it. "I am fine, I was just thinking about something that is all." Gazing around my smile grew wider. "We are here." Pointing up ahead _______ ran up to see what I meant. Her stare round-eyed. It must be her first time to see one of these. Grabbing her hand I lead her to it. To the beautiful patch of sunflowers.

         I am not sure why I love them so much, perhaps they were strong or they were the one thing to distract me from the constant winter background or simply they were beautiful but I have always been fond of the flower. She scanned all around slipping out of my grasp. The flowers seemed to mystify her. "You like, Da?" A nod was little one 's response. "These are freaking amazing Ivan!" I smiled pleased at her reaction. The sound of laughter got my attention. I did not remember seeing anyone else around.

My head swirled around to see black silhouettes off to the distance. Fire seemed to be in their hands. Playing with matches? Quickly I walked up to them but as soon as I blinked they disappeared. Frantically I scanned around for them to see nothing. Literally nothing. I was engulf with total darkness. My body was cold. It had never been this cold not even during the greatest blizzards. "Privet?" My voice echoed mocking me. "Is anyone here?" My existance seemed to get colder and colder as each lonelier second passed. "Hell-?" Before I could finish the sounds of bloodcurdling screams sounded around. Their voices all too familiar. I put my hands over my ears to shield myself from the agony of the pitch. My palms grew wet and the screaming grew louder. I trembled falling to my knees. Another voice spoke however it had been clearer then the bloodcurdling screams that still sounded. "Вы не можете избежать этой участи Ивана"

My eyes shot open. "Hey Ivan? Are you okay?" I looked over to see little one shaking me as I laid in my knees. "Yes I am fine." ______ stared at me round-eyed "Ivan your nose is bleeding." Shock over took me, I shifted my hands from my ears about to wipe the crimson to realize that my palm was also coated with blood. The screams... Little one didn't seem to notice the blood from my ears. Quickly I wiped the blazing liquid from my nose, ears and hands with a handkerchief that I always kept in my pocket. "Ivan what happened?" "I suppose I am allergic to my favorite flower." I smiled lying. "Good I figured you were thinking like a pervert." She seemed to believe it letting out a laugh "how ironic, allergic to something you enjoy most." A chill ran down my spine as I thought back to my dream. It was the same voice from my first dream. It was the voice of General Winter. Why is this happening.

"Hey are you are listening to me?" Little one pouted "I said that it sucks cause I even got you something." My gaze shifted over to the (H/C)-ette. "Oh you did?" She simply nodded holding out a little sunflower. "I found it. It's freaking amazing! The shortest sunflower I've even seen. Plus it was surrounded by a bunch of taller ones. I'm telling you it was like they were circling it. It was so spooky I had get it. I want you to have it." She smirked in delight. My heart stopped. What is going on?


Вы не можете избежать этой участи Ивана= You cannot escape this fate Ivan

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