Chapter 27: Empty Tray~

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    Time passed after the incident and it was about mid November. Latvia had been clinging to me ever since but I didn't mind, I was happy to see he actually liked me at least. However Russia on the other hand had shut himself in his room ever since. To be honest it made me concerned. The Russian literally never left his room. Ivan had his own personal bathroom attached to his domain so it wasn't like he had to. Me and Lithuania would leave the nation food outside his door but he barely touches it. I just wish he would come out already... I wasn't mad at him. I wanted to hear his side of the story. Sigh Why can't things just go back to normal? Perhaps if I ask him, maybe he'll come out... Through the mansion I strolled. By now I had memorized each hallway in the 'castle'. Finally reaching the towering nation's door I lightly knock. "Ivan? Are you alright?" My (E/C) orbs fell down on his untouched tray of lunch we had left hours ago. "YOU DIDN'T EAT LUNCH!!! Ivan when I come back later to pick this tray up it better be clean or no more vodka!" I teased but got no response. Inhaling heavily I slided against the door plopping to the floor with an deep exhale. "Ivan we all miss you you know. Even Latvia. Look I'm not mad at you for that thing. I know it was a misunderstanding which is fine." I trailed off my thoughts overwhelming me. "You know... Since you haven't been out I've been lonely. I miss having a gigantic Russian at my side." Smirking more to myself at the statement. My voice growing more soft. "I really do miss hearing about your day... I really miss hearing you at all." Tilting back my head against the door. "I wish you could come out. I just want things to go back to normal." I sat there for about five minute before rising to my feet. Slowly I swiped the dust off my figure and slid the tray back in front of the door."Remember! I want this plate clean mister!"stating back into my normal playful voice and after that I was gone.

       "Hey wanna do something?" Toris inquired drawing my attention. I was zoning out thinking of the Russian. "Hmm? Like what?" The brunette shrugged "No idea, see a movie maybe?" I smiled. "Oh so I can be lost about what is happening? I DON'T SPEAK RUSSIAN TORIS!" I purred a taunt. His eyes widened at realization. "Oh yeah," the nation awkwardly laugh scratching his head. "Well want to go to the mall then?" I raised my shoulders to soon lower them as got up to grab a coat. "Sure why not?"

        Once me and the Lithuanian arrived there I dashed searching for the nearest hot topic. But unfortunately due to the fact that the signs were written in the nation's language I didn't have much luck. I slumped down in depression a sweat drop forming. I really wish they had taught Russian in my old school...Toris patted my back. "It's okay. I'm sure there are other things we can look at." he smiled.

      He was right. We looked at other things such as clothes though I was broke so I couldn't get anything. "Mannnnnn! I wish those gangsters didn't steal my cash or that I didn't quit my job before that stuff happened. I really wanted those knee high converse!" I groaning flailing my arms like a 6 year old having a hissy fit. Toris tried to clam me down. "It's okay we'll come another time I'm sure." I sighed my rant fading. "Yeah you're probably right. Hey wanna see that movie still? Honestly I could care less if I understood what was going on but it has to be a scary one." I smirked devilishly.

      Who knew Toris was a complete pussy when it came horror films. I practically had to hold him the whole time. He shock just as bad as he did when Ivan was near. It made me laugh, I thought the movie was alright. Russia has a weird sense of horror, it was a random creature attacking a city. It reminded me alot like Godzilla or even Cloverfield but I'm sure the movie would've been alot better if I understood the language. Finally we went home which made me realize how late it was. Almost 11 freaking O'clock!? Are you kidding me!? Estonia and Latvia were pass out on the couch, chips surrounding their sprawled out bodies along with console controllers. Lithuania looked pissed. I left the brunette to deal with the two, me being uninterested in hearing him scolding. I should check up on Russia. When I came to his room the door was still locked and lights appeared to be off. My gaze shifts to the floor to see his tray empty. He ate his lunch. My facial expression changed to one of pure happiness. I grabbed the tray from the floor. "Thank you Ivan." I murmured.

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