Chapter 40: Matryoshka Doll~

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   A knock came on my bedroom door causing me to drop the pencil I was drawing with. Ravis and Peter had gotten me a sketchpad accompanied by some artist pencils. I was truly grateful for the gift because of my love to drawing my favorite anime character over and over. "Comin-!" I hollered as I paced to the door only to stop in misstatement when I fling my entryway open. A gigantic banquet of sunflowers float in the door way which seemed to grow a set of feet.

       "Privet my little sunflower." Russia smiled as he stuck his head to the side so I was able to view him. Blushing madly at his words I avert my eyes elsewhere. "Hey Ivan." The nation giggled "I got these for you, sunflowers for my little sunflower." Holding them out in a gesture for me take the item, which I bashfully do. "I-Ivan you didn't have t-" He cut me off with a beaming expression "Nonsense I would do anything for my little sunflower." More blush spreads as I look timidly at the flowers. "Well, thank you. They are lovely." "Not as lovely as you." I could feel my heart pounding crazily, he swept me off my feet.


      Before I could reply the Russian had picked me up bridal style "W-wah! Ivan w-what are you doing." My flush increases. He takes the flowers from my grasp and sets them on the desk with my papers. After that he paddled out of my room shutting my door "Taking my little sunflower on a date." Surprised by his words I didn't know how to respond. As the platinum-ette carried my figure down the stairs I saw all three Baltics in the main room. They watched the bigger nation lead me below and to the front door. Throwing my head back I gaze over to see Latvia quietly snickering while Estonia smirks winking at me as he mouthed 'Knew it'. This made my cheeks blaze once more. Damn them! My attention then shifted to Toris who surprisingly stared at us with an neutral expression. Before I could analyze the brunette anymore the front door shut leaving me and Ivan outside.

   Looking up at the lavender eyed man he returned my stare with his innocent grin. Another streak of blush ran it's course. Why does he have to be so cute. "Where are we going?" I inquired. He set my figure down wearing a smile and taking my hand into his. "Moscow." The Russian states plainly tugging my limb as a signal to follow. Disoriented and confused I submit to his will and comply.

    "Do you really want to see me?" "Of course my little sunflower." I blush madly and open the door of the dressing room to reveal the dress I wore. Never had I been a fan of the type of clothing cause of my tomboy nature but Russia was thunderstruck. On my figure was a (f/c) slimming dress that grew loose with layers of ruffles running from mid-thigh to just above my knees which was where it ended. Rubbing my arm flustered I state "If it's bad I can just change... Wearing these aren't really my thing anyway." Ivan immediately rose to his feet shaking his head vigorously "Nyet, nyet my sunflower it is not that. You are just so..." Grasping each of my bare shoulder, his lavender eyes falling onto mine. "Красивый" The Russian whispered. My (e/c) grew surprised from his words. Living in Russia for a few months I had picked up on a few phrases and let me tell you I wasn't expecting him to say that one. I glanced away quickly as my cheeks grew alive with color "Thanks." The nation grabs my chin so I face him and plants a kiss on my lips. Taken by surprise I find myself soon to melt to it's touch. "Anything for you my little sunflower." The platinum-ette cited as he pulled away rubbing his thumb against my cheek. Smiling at his words only to have him beam back "Let me change back." I say as I pointed a thumb at the dressing room's door. Russia nods and soon I walk in to transform back into my original outfit.

   Once I changed and Ivan paid for the dress we went inside another store. Strange Russian antiques peered table after table and along the the shelves screwed into the walls. A fragile elderly woman worked behind the counter of the little shop. Ivan paddled up to her with a sweet smile and began to speak his native language leaving me to browse around. All sorts of items rested in the small building; tables, chairs, TVs but they all were extremely old. The craftsmanship put on the tables were breathtaking.

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