Chapter 26: Paper work~

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                    ~ Russia's POV~

      "Make sure you fill out each paper." I nodded at my boss as he handed me a monstrous stack of paper work. "What are they about? I never get this much." He sighed heavily "Political stuff I guess, but honestly I have no idea. Just make sure you read over them." "Of course Sir."


      So here I am now reading paperwork on such a boring day. I never really cared much about the economy I just let the Prime minster take care of it. All I did was sign.

"Hey you know they all are gonna turn on you."

My heart stopped. Instantly I scanned around only to find no one around.

"Don't act so stupid. You know where I am."

No... It couldn't be. Not again.

"By the way you are reacting you seem to remember me. What a good boy! Though it is a shame you thought you could avoid me for all these years."

What do you want?

"What do I want? What you want of course! I am you after all dear friend... Well at least a past you. Do those day ring a bell? God they were great were they not? Do you not miss them Ivan?"

No I do not miss them. And I do not miss you either so go.

"Ivan, Ivan Ivan what is wrong old friend. I want to help you plus even if you do not want my help it is not like you can escape me~! Like I said I am you. I am your dark ambitions. I am that void of no emotions. I am what keeps you up at night. I am the whisper that is constantly in your ear, too faint to understand but you know it is there. Ivan I am the true you! I remember the days you followed what I said. They were great Ivan. We were so great and powerful. Everyone feared us, even our two sisters."

They are not YOUR sisters. Anyway get on with your point.

"Look through your paper work."

      I sighed wanting to get this over with so I filed through the stack. Deliberately I checked to see if any were 'oh-so important'. Towards the bottom of the stack I saw a sheet with a red bulky stamp saying 'URGENT'.

"It seems you found it at last~!"


      Slowly I read the paper. It was then I saw what the voice meant. The paper was a request form. A request for independence. Latvia wanted to leave me.

"And so the Russian finds out the truth. But the question remindes: How will he handle it?"

       My eyes began to water. Why would he want to leave? Did he not like it here?

"Why are you crying!? He is leaving because he knows how weak you have become. Being apart of Mother Russia is no longer a honor. It is a burden. I would be disgusted to still be here too. Have to say I can not blame the kid for waiting to leave."

What should I do?

"Show them Mother Russia is not weak. Show him that leaving is not an option. Show all of them."

     I got up from my chair clutching the paper tight. Fury boiled in me. I'll show them all what I think of this. As I descended the stairs making my way into the main room I passed by Estonia shoving him aside. "M-Mr. Russia?" He quivered only to fuel my inferno. I ignored him. Lithuania spotted me coming and moved aside shaking. It was then I found what I was seeking for. Latvia. I quickened my speed walking pace which he seemed to notice. "O-oh H...hey Mr. Russia." Instantly I grasped his throat with a hand holding the trembling child in the air. Ravis squirmed under my grip. "Why are you leaving me!?" I snarled. The boy stared horrified. "W-w-what are.... You talking ab-" He gasped. "DO NOT ACT STUPID WITH ME! WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" My hand constricted a tighter grasp, my finger nails stabbing him through the fabric of my glove. Oh how I hated when people acted stupid. I held out the crumpled piece of paper. Ravis face flashed confusion. "IVAN!" Her call snapped me out of my rant. "WHAT THE HELL! LET RAVIS GO!" I look over to see the Latvian beginning to change color trying to fish for air. Oh dear God what have I done. I set the boy down and immediately he collapsed on the ground panting. He looked at the paper which made me threw a glance at it too. It was an ad to a pizza place. What!? I could've sworn it said Latvia wanted to be independent. ______ grabbed Latvia taking him to, I assumed, his room. She murmured softly to the child not even bothering to cast a glance at me.

"It seems you have done a good job Ivan. I knew you still had it in you."

You tricked me!

"Did I? Now Ivan friend, pal, buddy, old chum, I would never ever do such a thing. I was only showing you your future if you continued to rain with your weak pitiful state. It was revolting."

I hope you die.

"But if I die you do too~ Anyway Ivan why not just embrace me like you did decades ago. You saw how mighty you were a minute go. Did you not like the feeling of his windpipe crushing against your overwhelming power? I know you did. You were smiling the entire time. It even gave me goose bumps~!"

Everyone hates me because of you.

"Wrong. Everyone fears you because of us."

Can you please just leave me alone.

"If that is what you wish. However remember this Ivan dear friend. You can not escape this fate no matter how much you try. It is just going to chase you down till it has you pinned to the floor with you begging to keep the last bit of sanity contained in your miserable state. The Darkness consumes all. And when it does I'll be here with open arms buddy, ready to welcome the new you. The old you"

                     ~Normal POV~

     "Latvia are you okay?" I felt him quiver on his bed. I knew the kid shaked but never had I seen it this bad. Wrapping my arms around him I pulled the boy closer. "It's okay I'm here. I'll make sure he won't hurt you. Hey why don't I spend the night with you hmm? It'll be like a sleepover though an awesome one cause I'll be here." He slowly nodded. Stroking the boy's blondeish curly hair I felt a pang of sorrow for him. He was so young to be thrown in situations like this. Ravis hated being tossed into awkward moments, it only made him say the wrong thing at the wrong time. In reality though Ravis really was a sweet kid when he comfortable. "Miss _____," he gazed at me with his sky blue orbs. "Thank you for helping me." He embraced me tighter. "I would've been a goner." I smiled sincerely pulling away ruffling his blonde mane while I did. "It was nothing kid though I wonder what had got into Russia. I've never seen him act like that." Latvia's hair fell in his face concealing his eyes as stared unwaveringly at his lap. "There was only one time when I remember Russia being like that and that was when he was under communism. When he was the Soviet Union."

(A/N= Just to clear things up. Okay Russia is out of communism. The story takes place during the time of well... Now. However the thing is Ivan is incredibly blinded of reality. The reason the Baltics still live with Ivan is because they are still tied to him in a way (Such as owning money to his country or etc.) The Baltics really shouldn't be still living with him but with Russia's intimation and owing money, it is more then enough reason for Ivan to keep them in his house. The fact that Latvia wanted to be independent is more directed to the fact he just wanted to leave the house. [Because technically he already is independent country wise] If you have any questions please feel free to ask.)

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