Chapter 36: Tainted Memory~

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   My eyes slowly opened only to be instantly blinded by the light that filled my vision. Agony racked my skull tremendously. I winced in pain grasping my head with a hand. "This is killing me." I groaned sitting up. I roll my gaze lazily over to my left at a clock which read 4:11 p.m. WHAT!? IT'S ALREADY 4!? It was then I realized I was in my own room. Gazing to my right I felt my heart stop. Ivan laid fast asleep tucked under my sheets, platinum haired swayed across his face breathing peacefully. My checks grew red, he was so cute and innocent asleep... WAIT. WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THIS!?! And wait... Why is he here... In my bed... Oh no please don't tell we... My cheeks were blazing now as I frantically shook my head. No no no we couldn't! I mean sure I drunk... A lot but I wouldn't do THAT. My head ached more as I tried to recalled last events. All that came to mind was the bet and drinking. Then suddenly it hit me when I thought back to last night's conversation: "So what do I get if I win?" "What do you want?" "To see you in your new outfit." "Alright. I will keep mine a secret." Thoughts swarmed through my head. Did I win? No I doubt it, I stand no chance to a daily vodka dosing Russian. So that means he won, oh please don't tell me this is what he wanted. I gripped my hair tighter. That wasn't possible Ivan isn't that type of guy! "Ugh! I wish I could remember dammit!" "Remember what?" My cheek blush darkening. I slowly rotated my vision to look at the Russian. He stared at me and I blinked staring back at Ivan in silence.

     "WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED!?!?!" I screamed nearly causing the older male to tumble out the bed from shook. He held his hands out sweat drops forming all over him. "No need to yell little one, you are only making the hangover worse." The Russian began to massage his forehead "You do not remember?" My eyes grew huge blurting out "You mean we...we!" His lavender orbs pooled with confusion then grew wide when he realized what I meant. Ivan's face became crimson waving his hands in a vigorous matter. "No no no! Do not be silly! You just pass out at Prussia's, Estonia drive us all home and I went to take you to your room. I guess I may have fell asleep here." He scratched his platinum head shyly. "Nothing apart from that but," hesitant to continue, the Russian went on "What do you remember about last night?" I tapped a finger against my cheek "Well, I remember us making the bets, then drinking you know me struggling at first, then us talking more but I can't say about what. I don't know anything after that honestly." His lavender orbs flashed a hint of... Disappointment? Or so it looked like it but just as fast as it appear, it had vanished. "Oh I see." Befuddlement swept me "Did anything else happen?" He shook his head "Nyet, I just wanted to see if you remember anything more than me." This gave me an idea "Hey Ivan," he looked up from the sheets to me. I felt my heart beat against my chest as I blushed madly. Why is this happening!? My voice stutters "W-what did you want if you won anyway? I imagine you did." The nation stared at my figure uncertain. "O-Oh well it just," Russia trailed off  "It does not matter, you were new to the whole drinking thing so I felt it was not fair to get something so easily." He grinned his childish smile. "The true secret is that it was nothing." I blinked in surprise "Oh really? okay, well I guess it's about time that I got up and help the Baltics clean the house. I would hate to know that they're doing all the work by themselves." Getting out of bed as I said it. Thank goodness I was in clothes already, even still wearing the sunflower converse. I threw my vision at Ivan to see him wearing his sunflower scarf. I blushed at it, Why do I care so much. "Ugh! Whatever Ivan you can stay in my room just don't go through my stuff." I stated walking out my door. Narrowing my eyes in a death glare. "Let's just say your doing the Baltics a tremendous favor by not having them witness a terribly gruesome murder because you didn't go all perv." Hissing as I exited out the door only to poke my head back in my room once more with an innocent smile. "So be good Okay?" And like that I left shutting the door.


            ~Russia's POV~

    A chill ran down my spine as I stared at the door.

"Why do you go for the creepy ones?" My alter called trembling from where he sat on top of a desk legs crossed, wearing his typically all black outfit. "Almost as bad as that sister of ours."

"No one asked you." I sweat dropped

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