Chapter 15: An Adventure :D~

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       The brunette spat out all the water in his mouth. "Y-You're going where?!" Shrugging I had not the slightest clue. "But I don't really care I'm fine with just getting out." Toris seemed surprised "Well it certainly is unlike Mr. Russia to do something like this. He did only take you out before because of errands. Hmm I'll have to say you definitely bring out that man's brighter side. Plus if you want to get out more you can always come with me to the grocery. I go everyday so I'm sure it'll make you feel better." "Yes that actually does thank you." He beamed "Do you think you could go today?" I shook my head. "I have no idea when I'm suppose to lea-" Suddenly a knock on the door cut me off. "Little one? Are you ready? We have to go." I got up calling back "I'm ready hold on!" My (E/C) orbs shifted to the Lithuanian "I guess it now, ehe. Well I'll see you later." He watched me get up and quickly walk to the door. "Yeah, see ya..." I shut the door fast pacing over to the tallest nation who towered in the main room. He smiled "Such strange boots." The man was speaking of my black knee high converse. They were my favorite though a pain to put on; I was grateful Russia had brought them for me and it seemed he forgot he had. "Don't be jealous!" I teased. He placed a hand on my head ruffling my hair. "I would not dare to. They do suit you. Now let's go."

           "So, where are we going?" I asked as I walked beside the Russian trying to keep in step with him. "It is a surprise." He beamed continuing. "We are almost there." Pointing at a building up ahead. We were remotely away but from our location I could see it was huge. At last we finally reached the place. Standing in front of the monstrous building double doors. It must've made the enormous Russian feel like a pipsqueak. How tall is this guy anyway!? He rotated to me "This is where the world conferences are held when it is in my nation. Come," The man grasped my hand making me blush. Russia opened the doors. "It will start any minute."

         Walking through the long hall the two of us eventually stumbled across another door. Noise sounded from the other side. In my mind I was completely trembling but I managed to keep my awesome normal composure. "There is no need to worry little one. It will be fun." Then opened the entrance. Eyes from all over fell on me then they shifted to Russia. Immediately they looked away. The platinum-ette lead me to a spot near the end of the table. "I normally sit at the end so you may sit here next to me." He states as he took his place. The Russian added in a soft whisper. "By the way call me Russia when we are here, that is the only name the nations know me by." Nodding was my response.

        More people seemed to come in, the last was a long haired brunette with a cat resting on his white hat. A blonde with slicked back hair stood up slamming his palm against the table to silence all the bickering. "As you all I am Germany. Today ve are holding our meeting in Russia's land. Ve are here to solve zhe problems of zhe vorld und discuss among each other. Russia since you are zhe host of today's meeting you shall go first." The Russian innocently smiled nodding "All will become one with Russia, Da?" Everyone seemed horrified. The man grew incredibly serious the smile long gone. "Those who refuse to will be crushed by my overwhelming power. Mother Russia is well acquainted with the term 'No Mercy'." Throwing a dark glance around the room. He then put his smile once more. "That is all." Taking his seat. I felt a shiver run it's course. I think I know why they're scared of you... The German seemed to have sweat drops. He pushed the glasses he wore back to the bridge of his nose "Now I remember vhy ve never have conferences here. Okay ve vill go around zhen." The blonde pointed at me "You, Are you a new country?" Before I could speak the Russian put a hand on my shoulder replying. "No she is with me as a guest. Her name is ________." The blue eyed man finches completely surprised but remained content. "Ah vell it's nice to meet you _________." His German accent thick.

        The man shifted his blue orbs over to the male besides me. It was a shorted haired brunette with thin framed glasses. "America it's your turn to speak." America?! Hmm he well does look pretty 'American'. Suddenly the first converstaion I had over dinner flashed through my mind. "Miss. _______ I thought hamburgers were America's holy-land!?" "I can't wait to tell America." So this is who they were talking about? The brunette stood up "I believe we need a superhero that will protect the world from catastrophic means who at night will deliver hamburgers to kids who were good!" I stared befuddled at him. I seemed to not  be the only one. A short haired blonde with the thickest eye brows banged a fist against the sleek black surface of the table. "Where on earth did you get such an absurd idea." Then he smirked "Or is it just natural for you to undergo the thought process of a mentally ill 5 year old?" America appeared to be irritated. "Are you just pissed that the only thing your country can provide children is burnt food and crooked teeth." The blonde slammed his fist once more. "Says the one who's bound to drown in the grease of YOUR country's national food restaurants." The thick eye browed man crossed his arms. "At least obesity isn't my nation's top concern." The American snapped back "Oh and what is? Death from bland taste? Or is just from starvation?" The insults just kept going. Ivan leaned over to me giggling slightly with a childish smile. "Those two always do this. It is fun to watch." I gazed back over at the two English arguing. "You know England I had no idea someone could burn tea until I came to your place. You proved me oh-so wrong. It went well with those revolting pastries." The English man jumped over the table tackling the American. "Those scones were a family recipe!!!" They started attacking each other.

        Basically the rest of the meeting was people trying to break the two up. Germany with even more sweat drops was the one to put the meeting to a close. I was about to get up when Russia rose and said. "Wait here little one, I need to speak to my boss before we leave. He is upstairs so it should not take long. Just sit tight." And in an instant he was gone. I watched people exit the room talking to each other in their different accents. It amazed me that they all spoke English but I suppose that was due to the fact of needing to communication. No wonder Ivan knew English! There was a tap on my shoulder causing me to throw a glance back. To my surprise I saw a trio behind me. A tan brunette, a long haired blonde and the most astonishimg of all, an albino. The albino spoke up. "All I vanted to tell you is zhat I like your shoes. Zhey are freaking avesome." I smirked wide with delight. "Thanks it's always nice to meet someone who has a great taste in awesomeness once and awhile." The response made the Sliver-ette laugh, it was a weird one. "Kesseessee~!" He moved his fist near me and grinning I fist bumped back. "Zhis is France but his name is Francis," pointing at the blonde who was winking blowing a kiss. My face became red and out of frustration I put my hand on his face. The albino laughed more. "Und zhis one is Spain but you can call him Antonio." The brunette waved "Hola." "Last, I am Prussia. I go by many zhings; East, Avesomeness, Ore-Sama, Zhe one und zhe only" Emphasizing his German accent pointing a thumb at himself "But you can just call me Gilbert." A chirp sounded which got my attention. It was then I realized the pale man had a tiny chick on his head. The man smirked gently reaching to grab the yellow bird. "Und zhis adorable little fella is Gilbird. Zhis is zhe avesomest guy you vill ever find out there." He held him in his hands. I petted the little bird eyes getting big. He's so fluffy!! "I'm _______ by the way if you didn't know." Gilbert waved his hand. "Nah ve know. My little bruder already asked you about it." Realization hit me. Did he mean Germany? The Spaniard spoke up. "Though the main reason we came over to you is to ask why you're with Russia." The albino added leaning against the wall emphasizing his irritation. "Someone avesome with zhat creepy bastard makes no sense." Gilbird flapped on his sliver hair. Russia's creepy? I mean sure he had his moments but he was a really nice guy. I shrugged it off. "To be honest it's a really long story. Pretty much I'm staying at his place till I can go home. He offered me to come here with him. I agreed cause there was nothing better to do." The brunette cupped his chin "But still, it is strange, especially for Russia." The French spoke up doing a dance. He held his hand out shaking his shoulder blonde hair wiping through the air. "Maybe because he LIKES her?" Making sure to draw attention on the 'like'. My cheeks redden Why would they think that! Ivan's just being nice that's all. The albino chuckled at his friend's statement "Him liking someone? Don't make me laugh. Zhat is impossible. Russia's heart is as cold as zhe vinters he has." Gilbert started staring beyond me flashing a sneer look. "Anyvay ve gotta go. If you ever vant to hang vith actual avesome people just call." Handing me a card. "See ya," The sliver-ette did a two finger salute while Antonio simply waved and of course Francis blew another kiss. I could hear Gilbird chirping as they walked away.

      Sweat drops formed, They're so weird... Why do I always make weird friends. A hand fell on my shoulder making me practically jump out of my skin. "Hello little one, did you have fun?" Said Ivan who ridiculously towered over me. Nodding I turned to face him "Yes! Thanks for taking me!" He smiled "Oh do not worry we are not done yet. We have one more place to go."

(A/N: A Germany with glasses is a sexy Germany CX)

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