Chapter 43: Polar Bear~

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   "Now why exactly did you guys ditch the world meeting?" I inquired raising a brow. Prussia held a hand out in unserious manner "Cause Frau zhose zhings are alwayz zo boring." "Ah-huh..." Me and the famous trio stood outside the front of Ivan's place. My attention shifts to the male that accompanied the group. He wore glasses and looked really familiar for some reason. It was on the tip on my tongue but I just didn't know. Ugh this is pissing me off. My brows furrowed irritated as I stated clamly "I hate to ask but who are you? I don't think we met before but you look so familiar." Before the lavender eyes man could answer Francis pushed himself to center of stage. "Il est mon fils." The Spaniard jumped in front of the French stealing the spotlight "Él es el hermano de Alfred" Then of course Prussia jumped in front of Antonio with a smirk. "Er ist mein Liebe." I stared at them all in silence only to let a monstrous laugh out seconds later. They all just gazed at me confused. After 'lmfao-ing' I wiped a tear from my (e/c) orbs "You guys are stupid." Then my vision fell onto the male "Who are you?" I smile sincerely.

   His eyes grew big surprised that I had ask him personally. He began to blush and stare down at the ground. "O-oh I'm Canada but you can call me Matthew." Prussia did his laugh and looped his arms around the Canadian's waist. "Bridie can be shy vhen around new people." He continued cooing into his companion's ears. "It's okay Liebe _____'s awesome, not as awesome as zhe awesome me but still awesome." "I'm taking that as a complement!" I grinned mischievously. And then that was when I noticed what was going on in front of my very own eyes. Gilbert's arm is around Matthew's waist... Gilbert's cooing words into his ear... 'Liebe'. This wasn't no normal bromance this was...

"A SHIP!" I exclaimed loudly with a colossal smirk. Again they threw more weird looks of puzzlement at me. "A ship?" Spain repeated in a question coated tone. I nodded vigorously wearing a perverted expression. "Oh yes a ship indeed my friends; mis amigos; mein freunds; Mes amis. Prussia x Canada. Hmmm..." Rubbing a forefinger and a thumb against my chin stroking my imaginary beard. I had to debate... Hmmmm... After doing the motion for about 30 seconds I finally remark "I ship it. They make a cute couple just had no idea Prussia had a thing for boys." I snicker softly causing both the Prussian and Canadian to blush madly. "At least I don't have a zhing for Russians!" He retorted furiously.** Instantly my face grew one the shade of the albino's eyes. "H-how did you kn-!?" His blaring laugh interrupted my words. Francis flipped his hair in a semi-sassy manner accompanied by a wicked expression. "It was obvious you 'ad a thing for Ivan." Then Toni added "Plus everyone sorta found out from Ukraine." I twitched a brow "Is that so?" The trio nodded simultaneously and exclaimed all at once "WE SHIP!" each holding a thumbs up as they stroke a pose. My eyes became pupil-less as I just stared speechless lost for word. "Can we just go inside..." I murmured dazed gesturing to the door. All three idiots shake their head vigorously in approval running inside. Canada follow slowly behind them leaving me to have a moment by myself. I take a giant breathe in shifting my vision up to the blue sky. "Why did I have to get such pathetic friends." I murmur with a warm smile traced along my lips.

    We all sat upon some sofas and were about to play somevideos games, "Hey Matthew, you want Francis' controller? He's terrible at everything that involves having fun in a decent nonsexual manner." The comment made Francis flinch becoming irritated which lead to whining but I just ignored it. The Canadian replied "Oh no thank you, I prefer to watch." politely denying the offer. The French smile at the soft spoken nation. "Thank you Matt at least you have some common decency unlike a certain some one." Shooting glare draggers at me. "Oh? Whatever are you meaning dear Francis?" As a hand hovered over my mouth along with batting eyelashes in an act of innocence. "Don't play it off!" I laughed at his remark. "Alright alright I'll be right back, I need to get the game" Getting up from my couch which Matt had also sat on along with a smirking albino.

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