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     Is a book still a book when stripped of its spine and cover?

DATE 9 : 15 : 18 | 6 : 00 P.M.

Blessed be, blessed be.

The trees are singing among the bees.

The feathers tustle in the breeze.

Blessed be, Blessed be.

Queer eyes open in their sleep.

The eyelashes dancing under the moon's gleam.

Blessed be, blessed be.

Blessed be, blessed be.

Bless this weekend, four days it be.

Finished the book, ending with the man hanging from the tree.

Finishing my homework, one, two, three.

Complete, complete, completely.

Blessed be, blessed be.

Calculus studying Biology.

Find the limit as X aproaches C.

Biology behave better than a 73.

Blessed be, blessed be.

Thank god for the weekend, four days it be.

Blessed be, blessed be

Escuchando a musica, escucha a mi.

Blessed be.

Blessed bee gathering honey, return to me.

Fill my pot to the rim, collect my pollen, give to him.

Blessed be, Blessed bee.

BONITA PREGUNTA.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ