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     " You think you could get me that tape by tomorrow?"

DATE : 12 : 18 : 18 : 10 : 33 PM

I get on to write about everything I'm thinking about, and when I do I forget it all.

Yesterday, I had plans to hang out with my girlfriend, and there I was chillin' in her house, frappe in hand, and I get called in to work. I was so upset about it; we don't get hang out often due to our schedules, but I shouldn't be selfish. I came to terms with it last night; I do not regret coming in; they needed me, and I showed. Atleast I was able to spend some time with her. I could have not seen her. That's the brightside.

I saw the baby. I saw what was once the baby. She's gotten so big; she's walking. She's beautiful. She didn't know me, but we exchanged eye-contact, then she kept walking. This made me happy, she's so young. I can't imagine what woman she'll grow into. The possibilities. The opportunities. She's surrounded by beautiful and strong women. Supermodels. She's got the world.

I was told I've got the world. And I finally realized it did leave in a blink. I'm no longer a child in elementary or middle. I'm going to college. I can picture a montage of my life, and it's crazy. I was told I shouldn't be tired I'm eighteen. I need energy; the juice to conquer the world, to conquer women; or men if you don't want to conquer women; or all of them if you don't want either. Conquer the world.

I resonated with that, I have never been told to conquer anything. I just might.

I just might have a cluster headache, or that's what google told me. In reality, the area above my right eye has been throbbing. It's not constant it last for a few seconds then returns a couple minutes later. I've stayed hydrated and maintained a normal diet; so I don't know. May be because of midterms.

I made myself proud of my Ap Lit midterm, I deserve it. 

I was talking to this girl and she said she had 70 dollars in her bank account and I asked why. She said because she buys what she wants; she then asked me, and I said XXX, and she said why do you have XXX in your account. I said because I don't buy anything, she said why. I said because I don't know if I have permission. She said do you work, yes, then it's your money. You can buy what you want. Then it hit me I could. It's MY money.

I still won't buy anything.

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