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     What was your current event?

DATE : 11 : 11 : 18 : 10 : 14 PM

What I did I thought I was ready to do; I wasn't.

I got up there excited to stand for what I believe in; as soon as I took the paper, that courage left.

Why did I do it: shock value.

Did it work: no.

I started reading the paper, but two sentences in, my speech was choppy like back in fourth grade.

I thought I could talk about Gay Conversion Therapy in front of a class, but I couldn't.

I thought I was comfortable enouhg in my own skin to speak on topics that relate to me, but I couldn't.

That's the thing, I start to feel comfortable being queer ,and then when recognized I don't associate with that part of me.

I wanted to sit down; I wanted to stop; I wanted to cry.


I talked about it. 

I talked about how I couldn't talk about it.

But, not aloud.

Because honestly it isn't talked about.

You- I can't talk about this kinda shit.

I can't say, " I like drag queens," in a regular voice.

I can't say ," I went to a drag show," when asked what I did this weekend.

I can't say, " I'm gay," and it be okay.

It will bring silence and stares.

And, that's the problem.

It's a problem when one of my friends don't know I'm gay.

It's a problem that my friends use 'gay' as derogatory.

It's a problem when I call these people my friends.

It's a problem when my entire school raises children to be this way.

Don't talk about that; don't act like this; keep you beliefs to yourself if they disagree with mine.

Nothing is okay.

No one accepts any difference.

It's an entire building full of fucking close minded conservatives.

No one likes pro-choice, pro-equality, pro-queer, pro -feminist, pro-anything-that-goes-against-my-corrupt-veiw-of-the-scripture.

And I'm fucking done.

I will continue to due my current events on lgbt news because it is my current news.

If you can talk about Trump, I can talk about Boy Erased,

Fun fact: I went to go apply for a lgbt scholarship, and it asked for an essay speaking on my advocation and role in the queer community of my community.

Answer: there's nothing. 

What community?

There is none. 

I can't apply because I can't lie.

I could write about there not being one, but that is not what it is asking.

I can't express anything.

I could write about that.

I could write about my love for queer art, but no one knows about it and just sees me as the kid who draws women.

I could write about this stigma of me being sassy because I am gay when it is in fact a sarcastic comment on a pointless response.

Why is it that I'm sassy?

Why can't I be a sarcastic cunt?

I love that you said " sometimes people think we're being rude but we're not. we just joking."

XXXXXX, I don't joke.

I mean everyhting I say unless stated.

Since when was it our humor?

It was always my comments that you piggybacked off of.

But, yeah take the credit and profit.

Just realize that after highschool I won't keep in contact with any of you.

I should leave the calculus group chat since everyone only cares about the homework.

XXX, someone 'actually' will do the homework', but I won't help anyone.

None of you actually know me.

But, let me introduce myself:

I'm apart of a minority that doesn't get correct representation in this school.

That minority being: a decent human being.

Not the only one either, you just can't see us.

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