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     What if you called me Johnny?

DATE 10 : 2 : 18 : 11 : 00 PM

I've become superstitious, which is something I never thought I would be. I pick up pennies, yet the anxiety I feel is unnerving when I find one. I let it tell me if I'm lucky or not. I keep all the lucky pennies I find in my glass bowl, and flip over the ones that aren't lucky. When the pennies aren't lucky, I prepare myself. It's almost like how people let their horoscopes reflect their day. ( This is not shade, nor tea at you. I'm not saying you do this.) But, it's very that. I let it, because every time I've found an unlucky penny, something bad happened. Right now, I have nine lucky pennies.

Also, working at a mexican restaurant gives you good spanish music. 

I'm looking forward to fall break to catch everything up, but I don't want fall break.

Report cards come out this Friday, and I'm dying.

Disclaimer : stupid struggles and complaints.

I will have two B's which will drop my GPA.

The only thing I take pride in from this school.

You will be like it's two B's , cry me a river.

And I will.

I said I will get it higher, and it's dropping.

It had to be those pennies.

Also, even though AP Literature is the worst, it's my favorite AP class, and I generally appreciate reading so many books. So thank you.

Starting now, I will try my best to eat serving sizes.

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