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     Are you going to miss homecoming?

DATE 10 : 18 : 18 : 4 : 10 PM

Finally, I finally turned in my summer homework. It's a weight lifted off my shoulders. I can now move on with the class without a grade handicap. 

It's funny, the day I turn in my summer homework, is the day my student teacher leaves. It was really sad, because honestly he was a personality. You could tell he loved what we did. He loved us. It was the crack in his voice when he said his goodbye speech. It was the hesitation to cry when he said that us saying we would miss him is all he could ask for. Because us saying that showed him that he made an impact on us. And hearing about his life was nice, he said since it's the last day to ask him anything. So when I found out he couldn't have children even though they tried five times hurt. It hurt more because he said they didn't make it each time, so we were his children. I'm going to miss the man. 

I'm going to miss painting the banner. All week I said I don't care, It's whatever. But, me driving home the last day to work on it really set in. I didn't think I cared, I said I didn't. But, I've done it all four years and was...I don't know how to explain it. Hopefully, you understand it next year and remember me writing this.

I miss her, she texted me last night offering a plan for the both of us for a new Pixel 3. I don't want to say anything else except I really miss her. She will never leave my life. 

I'm also going to miss you, reading this. I'm going to graduate this year, next year I won't see you. I know you feel overlooked, but to me you're important. You've taught me so much. You've showed me so much, when I see you I see a strong person. And I feel like I come off as immature when I'm around you, but when I see you in the hall I just feel like staring. Because when I lock eyes with you, it's like we understand each other's stuggles. When I see you, I feel like I know you, like actually know you because I do. Not many people can say that about you and they should be able to.

And I'll miss her, that french venice bitch. She hugged me today and I brushed it off because the chem teacher walked by and that old man is a strickler. But, she means something to me. More to you, but also to me.

I'm missing everything that means anything.

BONITA PREGUNTA.Where stories live. Discover now