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     Do you wanna play Fortnite, tonight?

DATE 9 : 29 : 19 : 8 : 24 

The other day, before class started and everyone was there, my teacher asked if we viewed our education system as ' us versus them.' He wanted to see the student perspective of it, as it was addressed in a faculty meeting. My reply was, " No, if we were to veiw it that way, then it is making the process of learning even harder and more complicated. There has to be a respect of authority, if you want to obtain as much knowledge as possible. Even if there isn't a level of respect there, then there is no need to be defiant in class." Yet, I have this friend who sees it that way. One who complains that he isn't learning, the way he is being taught. One who refuses to even try. One who is passive aggressive. One who makes me very, very irritable. 

It isn't 24/7. I go through these phases where I cannot stand him, and then I'm fine.

But, right now I cannot stand him.

His complaining is so stupid. I wish he'd just shut up. I don't want to hear it. It also annoys me that all he is in the group chat, and only asks if anyone did the homework. He never joins in a conversation. I clearly tried starting one, all he had to say was that the homework hasn't been posted yet. Or stupid information like, the guy was seen near where I live 12 minutes ago. I don't care. Or the constant, " You playing Fortnite tonight?" No, I work. No, I'm busy. No, I have to write a paper. No, I have AP classes which take up my time. No, I don't like Fortnite. No, I need to worry about other things. 

Like I honestly want to turn to him and say, " Shut the fuck up. I don't care. Stop complaining. You don't see me blaming the teacher because I don't get it. Grow up."

Like I think I understand what Tionna felt like with me, her senior year.

Him and I are on completely different levels.

I don't have time to play Fortnite every night.

And when I do have time, I want to spend it with that sarcastic ass who is more entertaining than you.

Yes, you're my friend, I enjoy spending time with you, but I can't invite you to play with us. You wouldn't accept the openly gay conversations we have. 

That's another thing, do you know I'm gay?

Or do you deny it?

Your comments like " your mum gay " or, " that's gay" don't convince me that you do.

Honestly I don't think I could tell you.

Actually, I know I can't tell you any of this.

So, here I am.

Freeing my feelings into the wind.

It's only a matter of time before I bite back, like last time.

So, next time you ask, " why are you being so rude to me?" 

I just might tell you.

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