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DATE : 10 : 15 : 18 : 10 : 22 PM

I should be in bed, I have the ACT tomorrow, but I want to listen to music. I did this thing with a good friend where we shared playlists. Her idea, I just inserted myself, and responded because I have no originality. I liked it, but mine could be better. I'm definitely going to update it like bi-weekly, so stay tuned sunshine.

 This person in my Accounting class ended up not leaving, when she was supposed to. And it affected me more than I expected. I don't have the time to really commmunicate like a fellow teenage with her like I do with a total of like thr33 or 4our people, yet she has this lightness about her. So it was nice to see her when I was walking into class thinking that she wouldn't be there. It was nice. Buena.

This person in my small friend group gave me a bracelet. It was definitely a re-gift. The person who gave this person, who gave me the bracelet, gave it to them because it was important to them and they wanted them to have it. Ironic really. But, she'll never know how much I like it. It has a dangling cross on it. Not religious, but it's simplistic. I appreciate it and her thought behind giving something meaningful to someone meaningful. I'll be that person for her even though she'll never know it.

I've also been obsessed with this alias "Johnny." I like it, I've never really had a nickname. I go by my second name but that isn't a nickname. I like to think my nickname would be Johnny. People call me " Danny boy" sometimes. But those people are like 2 and its on occasion. And, I do like it. Anyway it's irrelevant.

My going-to-be college invited me to an academic achievement celebration. I might go.

I need to go to bed.


 My car is definitely missing a side mirror thanks to me. Let's not talk about it, it affects my mood.

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