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     " Is it okay to buy the tickets?"

DATE : 12 : 31 : 18 : 11 : 02 PM

I have realized that a person can be unhappy, but not depressed; and though it's okay to admit it isn't okay to say. I have realized it by looking in the mirror. I'm fine with letting it go, and letting a few know. 

     " Keep my feelings hidden."

One thing that does make me sad, if I'm honest, is seeing beautiful people; especially one's who walk in the same garden as you. I want to meet a beautiful person. I saw a beautiful person. I want to plant flowers with a beautiful person. But I also want to be that beautiful person. What if I said something. What if I really did say something to him. I don't even know his name. But by the end of the night I'll still be wallowing in my self pity. Or is it drowning.

     " Beautiful people with beautiful problems."

I've been listening to different music. It's all similar, but I like it. It's strange because it is all primarily men. I normally listen to women, but I like it.

Oliver Tree - Oliver Tree EP

Christian Leave - Trilogy, Heartbreak Room

Roy Blair - Cat Heaven

Alec Benjamin - Narrated For You

Ryan Beatty - Boy in Jeans

But, that's it.

Not even worth the read.

I still love Freddie.

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