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    Okay, so he's caught, what's next?

DATE  10 : 05 : 18 P.M.

I've finally died. Finally, I've died. I can start over, start fresh.

Quarter done, quarter ended.

 Good, I love emailing my teacher about my grade being low.

Most importantly my G.P.A. won't be hurt too much.

I also love that she came through for me, like thank you.

I'm glad my teachers assigned homework over break.

I'm not being sarcastic.

I can start off new, start off like myself.

I can walk in Monday ready.

I can prove that I can take these classes.

Good news, an arsonist, robber, and murderer was finally arrested.

Yet, I can accept the facts that things just go back to normal.

I don't know and don't want to know.

GOKU is growing on me.

Also I have two album I'm looking forward to.

MassEducation and Sunset Tapes.

I took senior pictures the other day.

It was weird.

It was weird.

It was weird.


I'm the class of 2019.

And now, I want to do something with the airshow.

Class of '19.

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