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       Daniel, why are you calling someone in class?

DATE : 11 : 14 : 18 : 9 : 55 PM 

So I called someone during class this week; I had no shame, nor did I care. These calls have been a recent thing, and it was important. One thing that stood out to me was the looks I got when I said, " I love you too." I didn't whisper it; I meant it. And if I meant it, why should I whisper it? No one knows what that relationship means to me. They cannot fathom the years between the two of us. So I will call her when I need her; I will call her when I need advice. These calls make me happy. They are good for my mental health. They let me breathe. Why should I feel ashamed of breathing?

My day started awful, I did not turn on the alarm so I woke up at 7:30; and the first bell is 7:45, and the drive to school is 20 minutes. This toothpaste boy had to hustle.

Speaking of school, my relationship with my teachers are something. I'm doing more; I gave my Calculus teacher my plant, and I gave him a world map of the game we talk about. It was funny; I showed him and asked him if I could hang it up he replied, " I had this same map hanging up in my dorm in college, heck yes hang this up." I taped it to the wall in front of his desk, and then put christmas stickers on the wall as decoration, which sounds very childish for a senior, but I'm decorating for the holidays. I also made him a little drawing of his favorite game for class. I asked him the next day if he got it he replied, " Oh did you do that? Nice." I had to slide it under the door because it was locked. I, actually, enjoy my Literature teacher; I've learned so much and can't thank her enough. I want to make her proud.

I've still been listening to JOHNNY, but I've also been listening to this spanish album called Norma and am currently listening to it as I write. I enjoy it, but I really enjoy finally starting on figure drawing/observational drawing for my portfolio. It will be the last thing I need to finish. Hopefully with this snow I can finish it by the day we return which will most likely be next week, if that.

It's the first snow of the year, which is sarcastically great. I drove a good 40 minutes in it with anxiety and not peaking 35 mph. A consistent 15 mph towards the last 20 minutes.

I have 40 weeks left till I move into the dorms.

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