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     " Is it wrong to say?"

DATE : 11 : 28 : 18 : 6 : 40 PM

 Disclaimer some words may be offensive, but I mean no offense. I listen to music; who doesn't. With music comes many different types of artists and genres.  Some songs are more explicit than others, normally with more profane language. Profanity is not a problem to sing along to, I have no problem singing it to myself or with a few close friends. But, I don't know the stand on saying the n-word, lets just refer to it as that word or word, in song. I know the offense it holds and the background on it, and I know not to say it. But, if it is said in a song then it is meant to be listened to. And in the songs that I listen to with it, it is used as slang not derogatory. Still I know if there is no derogatory connotation when said, you still shouldn't say it. Yet, it is accepted in music. And, if it accepted in music then is it accepted to sing? Sing alone, I feel like my intention can come across as " Oh they said it so I can sing it and it will be okay if someone hears me because I'm just singing along with the artist." I'm not asking that, and I'm not asking for permission to sing it. You know what, now writing this I don't know what I was getting at. This is stupid.

Side note: This does not mean I say that word. No.

Anyways I got Miss Solana's album on a cassette tape for my car and it's what the youth calls a " whole ass bop."

And also I just happen to search ' sza new album' and WWW. comes up and I'm very confused. Nevermind WWW. is Towkio's album. 

I just know that woman is planning something.

I came across this singer that I have fallen in love with. Like on a deeper level love. I've been listening to the album on repeat and every song is an amazon.

To think this was the album you found and thought of me, I'm touched. You know me more than I know myself.

I feel represented. Like actual reprensation, I guess Bloom is reprensentation, but that flowers a lil wilted. This representation gives me a soft happy. A tender feeling. Like it's mine and no one else's. My secret. Something I hold and compress in my chest to power this queer heart.

So thank you again for giving me this gifts.

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