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     " When's the concert?"

DATE : 11 : 21 : 18 : 10 : 03 : PM

  So I came back from an over-night field trip. And being back in civilization is dissappointing. Being in the forest was liberating. It was pretty; it was nice. I went canoeing and walked in a stream barefoot. I want to go back and spend a week there with some friends over summer. That would be fun. But, now I am back.

With being back comes catching up. I deeply regret not going to the HOBO JOHNSON concert today. I regret it so much. However, I have music to listen to: three albums and another artist. 

I've been listeing to THE SUNSET TAPES: A COOL TAPE STORY, it's really good. I need to listen to SUNSET SEASON, and FLOWERBOY, and maybe some FRANK OCEAN. Frank Ocean because he's in WHERE THE FLOWER BLOOMS with Tyler, and it's good so far. I also don't know if I should update my playlist; I don't want to ruin what it is already.

I got a turkey-gram yesterday, and it moved me so much. The message was from someone I don't talk to anymore; but it was unexpected validation, and it made me want to cry. It was my first time getting one; I was so surprised to be told this by someone other than a close friend. I will return the favor with good intent.

I want a pet newt.

I want to go to a concert.

I want to watch La La Land.

That I can do.

BONITA PREGUNTA.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن