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When raindrops fell,
down from the sky,
the day you left me,
an angel cried.


i slammed the car door behind me as Grayson was still getting out.

"I'm looking for Ocean, a young girl just just came through here." I start telling the nurse.

"Oh yes, she's in surgery right now. Ninth floor-" I didn't even give her time to finish. I pushed the elevator button and it sprang open. I walked inside, and pressed the ninth floor button.

Grayson scurried into the closing elevator.

"Ethan, why do you care so much?" Grayson asked.

"I think it's my fault. It's hard to explain but right now i just gotta see her."

It was like the first night i found her. She was about to jump, or so i thought. But she was too close to the edge for whatever she was doing, so i pulled her back. After that whole arguement we had, we just stopped talking. Truth be told, i still stalked her instagram account. She grew strong in the time we weren't talking. I started thinking of scenarios of us just laughing and joking around.

There is something about her to uncover, to find. and i want to be the one to do it.

I ran to the surgical rooms and just sat down, waiting for her. I introduced myself to her family and quietly waited.

Her dad sat on the opposite side of the room from her mom. Her brother Jake was standing by the vending machine biting his nail in his anxiousness. Everything was silent and still.

for two long hours. I grew worrisome, as if she wasn't gonna make it. I realized that people shouldn't be taken for granted. She shouldn't be taken for granted.

I want to be by her side. From now on.

Grayson fell asleep but i just couldn't. I had to be awake.


I was always fascinated about how people had near death experiences. Their stories, what they saw.

But i remember the feeling of peace. I remember the smell of my grandmothers cooking. and how proud she was.
Before she died, she always told me i was going to be something so amazing in my life. She gave me a necklace, which i never wore in fear of losing it.

It was a native mermaid on a chain. She always called me a mermaid because of my hair.

I trusted her promise, about being something great. So i wasn't that scared about the fear of me dying on this surgery table.


As i operated on Ocean, the realization of her conditions hit me. She was going to make it. She didn't hurt anything to severe. The only issue was her stated of hypothermia. We discovered she was anemic, so we really had to move quickly to get her warm. After a while she was responding well to the surgery. But something still pondered in my head.

How did this happen? Did she purposefully jump? or was she just clumsy? After a few hours, we let the family know she was okay. But she needed time to heal.


another short one 😔 sorry


when raindrops fellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang