twenty three

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Oceans POV

Ethan dropped me off at home. I cant believe i passed out. I seriously need to focus on my health more but it's because i'm paranoid about miles.

He scares me. so much. and i can't just bring Ethan into it and expected him to be my bodyguard.

Ethan said he's going to come by later so hopefully i can just not be as paranoid until he comes.

I sat in my bed for 3ish hours and finished homework to occupy myself.
But after that... i was alone to my brain and i.

Out of frustration, i got up and played some music. I saw myself in the mirror and i didn't recognize me.

I looked.. broken. tired. paranoid. insane. i rubbed my eyes a little and looked back. i was smiling at myself.

What the fuck? i quickly moved away from the glass and went downstairs. I know Jakes coming home soon so i won't have to be alone.

My leggings had shifted from above my shin. i bend down to fix them and rose up too quickly. My eyes fluttered as i began to feel lightheaded.

My knees buckled in defeat. "Fuck." i said aloud.

I'm too weak to fucking stand up.

Tears brimmed my eyes in frustration, as i realized the seriousness of my state. i took a long, deep breath in and sat on the couch.

Jake opened the garage door and a smile formed on my face.

"Hey jake!" I said trying to seem happy.

"Hey O. I heard you had to leave school early." Oh shit.

"I won't tell mom, but you better tell me what's going on. Now." He said sitting next to me.

"Fine." I said. I told him everything about miles. i even told him about my paranoia.

"Jesus Ocean. I'll kill him i swear." He said clenching his fists.

I grabbed his hand. "Jake. no." i said weakly.

I think he didn't want to fight with me because of how i was. but i knew he already made up his mind.

The doorbell ringed and Jake went to open it.

"Hey J." Ethan and Jake greeted each other. "Eth let me talk to you for a sec?" Jake said closing the door behind him.

Im assuming they are talking about me. What's even worse, and i shouldn't care about this, but what people at school think. I mean Sammy mentioned something about people think Ethan and I are hooking up. It was expected.

Ethan and Jake both walked in with a seemingly happy face. I knew something was up. But i knew it was for the best for me anyways.

"Hey Ocean, how you feeling?" Ethan said sitting down next to me. "Im fine, just a bit tired is all."

I lied. I feel terrible about dragging him into my fucked up life. I didn't want him to worry about me. I didn't want Jake to worry either.

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