twenty one

643 19 3

"Let's talk." Jake said, taking his luggage up to his room.

"Here i'll take the lighter ones up." I said, grabbing his carry ons and slowly going upstairs.

We finally got to his room and we put everything down.

"Jake, you can shower and unpack a little if you want. It's no rush, we have all night." Usually when we talk like this we stay up til brink of dawn just letting it out. He was my therapist, the only person that can get me. and i get him.

"Yeah. i'm gonna take a quick shower. Just chill for a sec." He said grabbing some clothes and running into the bathroom.

I chuckled, slowly getting up to help him unpack some of his clothes.

I put away most of his clothes he didn't use, and put his soccer uniform in the dirty hamper.

I walked into my room to grab some of my dirty clothes and my moms as well. I left the hamper in front of the staircase to remind myself to take it down later.

"Jake, are you presentable?" I said tapping on his door. "Yep! Come on in."
I opened his door as he sat in his chair.

"Ok, speak." He said leaning back. "What happened the night you called me?"

"Dads bills came in. We aren't doing well. I texted mom about it that night and she said leave it alone, we will figure it out. So now Dads not paying for us, his kids?" I said, rather quickly.

"Wow. No, i don't think he's not paying for us. I think the mailing companies still think he lives here so they mail it here." That made sense.

"Oh. You're probably right. Also, my leg feels a lot better since Ethan was here to help."

"Oh, Ethan? Hmm... I'm sure you guys were definitely taking good care of each other." I grabbed his pillow and threw it at him.

"Jake! Stop!" I said blushing in embarrassment. "So did y'all?"
"No!! He really did help with my foot all week." I said.

"He's a good guy Ocean. I see he's changed since meeting you." He said.

"How about you though? How was the trip?" I asked.

"Good. We won the state finals, so we're moving to the championship. Dad was trying to act like an actual father which was funny. We got into like a small argument like the first night because he was trying to tell me how to play at the practice. I screamed at him and left the field because he's no father to me anymore." Jake ranted.

"I'm sorry Jake. I wish he would just stop fucking up more than he already has."

Jake yawned nodding his head. He was probably exhausted.

"Hey, i'll let you go to sleep. I'm proud of you, J." I said limping out of his room.

"Love you O. Night." He said turning off his light.

"Love you too."

I wouldn't know what to do without Jake. I'd probably go crazy without him.

I drifted off to sleep, knowing i didn't tell him the most important detail of tonight.

Miles stalking me. My heart dropped as i soon remembered it. I couldn't wake him up now he's exhausted. I'll just tell him tomorrow then.

I reassured myself as i looked around my room. He said soon. I'm confused as to how soon is that.

I stayed up for 3 more hours after that just listening to music.

I began getting frustrated because i couldnt sleep. And tomorrow i go back to school.

It was already 4 in the morning by now. I might as well force myself to sleep for two hours.

6:00 A.M——-

my alarm rang in my ear. I slept so light that i got out of bed as soon as the alarm went off.

I did my normal routine of getting ready and then i made some coffee.

My fucking paranoia was ringing in my ear but i decided to shake it off at least for the school day. Even thought he would be there.

I felt my throat tighten. Tears brimmed my eyes. He's capable of hurting me if he did what he did in the alley, no problem.

I need to tell someone about this.

I finished up breakfast with Jake and we headed on our way to school. Ethan didn't text me or anything, so i was expecting to see him at school and catch up.

The school day went pretty fast, considering i wasn't even paying attention in the classes. I was caught up, but i felt everyone stare at me, and i was worried about Miles.

My head is pounding.

The class before lunch rang, meaning all the kids would rush into the lunch lines, but since i am still healing, i'd have to wait after the wave of students.

I got up to leave the class when Ethan came i got the room as soon as i stood up.

"Hey Eth.." I couldn't finish my sentence as i felt lightheaded and my knees buckled.

Anticipating my fall, i prayed my head hitting the ground wouldn't hurt as bad.

But Ethan's strong hand came down right before i hit the ground.

My eyes fluttered open to see Ethan's worried face, immediately checking to see what was wrong.


I barely opened my mouth to say "Ethan, I'm okay!" But my eye lids quickly shut.


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happy holidays!! ❤️❤️

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