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I had woken up really early, like 6:00. Ethan was behind me, still asleep. i decided to go on my phone and check social media.

I had thought about life. My parents, Jake, my ex. It just kind of all hit me at once.

My eyes started to tear up and i slowly made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and wrapped my cast in plastic so protect it from the water.

After a solid 30 Minutes of water just hitting my back, i decided to get out of the shower. i brushed my teeth and washed my face as well to least have done something.

i got dressed and walked out of the room, to see Ethan's toned back.

"Ethan?" He turned around to see me. "Hey." He said. His raspy voice made everything better to be honest.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, slowly walking back to the edge of my bed. "Good, but i assume you didn't since you woke up so freaking early." He playfully said.

"I did, i swear!" He laughed, putting back on his shirt.

"Wait, don't you have school today?" I frantically asked. "Yes, but it's in 2 hours." oh yeah, i woke up early which made him wake up.

"Are you going go home before school?" "I think so. I mean i don't want to even go, but my mom said i have to if i want to still come over here." I smiled down, at the fact that he wants to stay here with me.

"Well yeah i agree with her. I'll be fine on my own. Besides my parents come home soon and they can help." I tried to reassure him, and he sort of sided with me.

"Yeah but i'll probably be back later too, so." He was completely dressed now, and basically ready to leave.

"Here i'll walk you downstairs." I said, slowly walking over to him.

"I think you mean i'll walk you downstairs." He chuckles loudly.

For the 87448499th time, he helped me get downstairs.

"Well, i'll probably text you during school or something." "But you can't. No phones allowed on campus." "Hasn't stopped me before."

As much as i didn't want him to go, i knew he needed to.

"Bye Ethan." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. He returned the favor, wrapping his huge ass arms around me to pull me in.

"Bye Ocean. See you later!" He said walking off to his car.

i closed the door and slowly walked over to the kitchen. I turned to the coffee make and the toaster to make a bagel. I grabbed my phone to play some music.

I opened spotify to play Human by Maggie Lindemann. Her musics really good. (A/N STREAM HUMAN AND WOULD I OUT NOW)

I eat breakfast and the day passes by fast. I eventually got a call from Jake checking up on how i was doing. Mom also got on the phone reminding me not to do anything stupid with Ethan. i didn't want to talk to my dad.

I know Jake was uncomfortable with him being there at his soccer tournament. I wish a could've gone and supported him, but i would've been more trouble than help. I would have to limp from field to field

I took all of my pain killer meds, and started feeling tired. I sat on the couch to watch some tv, and then after i would start homework.


7:00 PM; OCEAN

I completely knocked out for like 9 hours until i heard a knocking at the door. "Wha?" I got up and limped over to the door.

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