twenty nine

273 16 2

When raindrops fell,
down from the sky,
the day you left me,
an angel cried.
Oh, she cried.

____ disclaimer: very, very sensitive topics will be discussed in this chapter.____

—Oceans POV—

It had been approximately a 2 months since Ethan and I had broken up. It was much needed. On social media, he seems happier with his friends and brother. and sometimes we still talk, but not often. I miss him. But i can't be selfish.

As for school, i transferred to partial online school as well as some classes still at my school. My grades are struggling, but ive been recently motivated for school.

Miles hasnt shown up in a while, which worries me. Hopefully he can finally stop. We also decided we cant pursue a case because we don't have tangible evidence against him.

"My friend at the police station said we needed like either pictures or a video or something he's doing. His family is very powerful and they have good lawyers." So we needed him dead in the act.

"Im not sacrificing Oceans well being just for some evidence. I'd rather beat the kid to death then provoke him to do something insane." Jake said to the group.

It was me, Jake, Denzel, Grayson, Rickey, and Sammy there. Ethan usually shows up, but he had something to do tonight. Grayson covered for him and said he's with his parents, but i think he's on a date.

I shouldn't be upset. I broke up with him. But, in order to love anybody else, i have to get through my own shit. and that was dealing with Miles.

So we've been talking about how to catch him and finally put him in jail.

"Ocean, i want you to have mace in your purse if i'm not around. seriously. you're not getting hurt again." Jake said. He's been by my side since this all started and hasn't really left it. i'm grateful, but i know he needs to be worried about himself more.

We all parted ways until we hung out again. Me and Jake decided to go out for dinner since our mom was out drinking.

We haven't really been communicating lately. But i know soon enough we can start working on our relationship again.

"I'll have the steak and mashed potatoes, please." I said, ordering my meal.

"I'm gonna have the grilled shrimp with broccoli."

"Okay, i'll put your order in." The young waitress said, slipping my brother a note.


"Open it!" I said, chuckling.

"It's just a number." Jake said, blushing his ass off.

"She was very cute! Text her later." I said, sipping my lemonade.

"Ocean i want to talk about your safety-"

"Jake. Stop. We are out tonight, not worrying about current issues. We are going to live normal teen lives for once." I said.

I was sick of always talking about Miles and everything related to it.

I wanted to be a teen again.

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