twenty two

649 18 10

Ethan POV

I walked into Oceans last classroom before lunch, thinking i would walk her there.

"Hey eth.." I saw her eyes roll back and i quickly moved to catch her.

She blacked out causing me to freak out.

Her skin was so pale and gray and the bags under her eyes... she looked so sunken.

"Ocean, i'm coming right back, i'm getting the nurse." I sprinted to the nurses office and caught the nurse walking out to lunch.

"I need you! My girlfriend fainted please!"
She nodded quickly grabbing her supplies bag.

"What's her name?" "Ocean, Ocean Cade."

We went into the classroom where she was and the nurse quickly helped her up.
"Ocean sweetie can you hear me?"

Her eyes fluttered. Thank God. "Ok, we are just going help you up a little bit ok?"

The nurse and i grabbed oceans forearms and helped her up.

"What happened?" Ocean said groggily.
"You fainted and your boyfriend here came to get me." The nurse smiled, giving her a vitamin gummy.

"Boyfriend, huh?" She faintly smiled.
She literally made my heart warmer.

"Ocean sweetie, are you ok? what's been going on?" the nurse asked sitting her in a chair.

"I've been anxious about coming back to school and i didn't sleep last night or eat breakfast. My body's been weak and all and i guess i got up too quickly and fainted."

I feel terrible. I should've been more aware that she's been out of it for so long.
I definitely need to talk to her later.

"Ok, Ocean listen. I don't condone letting kids going home but this sounds serious, right? I'd say go home take a little break and i'll find a friend to bring your stuff home to you, ok?"

"She came with her brother today so i mean i can take her home."

"Very suspicious, *wink, only if the nurse in the attendance office wasn't paying attention to the students signing out *wink." The nurse giggled.

"Come on guys! today's your lucky day you found the cool nurse."

We both laughed, walking to attendance. I held her, helping her walk a bit.

We left school and i decided to take her to eat some burgers before we went home. We finally sat down at a Five Guys alongside the road.

I looked at her devour her burger. She looked as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. She was tapping her leg and looking around in paranoia.

"Ocean?" I said softly. "Yeah whats up E?" She said, chewing into her burger again.

"Whats wrong? Talk to me." I tried to place my hand on hers, but she quickly pulled away.

"Sorry. Just a little worried i guess."

"Ocean." I said, hoping to catch her attention. I did. She sat back in her chair and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Sorry. Ill tell you." She said, swallowing her last piece of food. "Do you know Miles? from school?" My heart sunk. I knew she dated him.

"Yeah, You dated him. Why?" "Well i was walking home one night... and he saw me in this dark alleyway."

My fist immediately clenched in anger. "Did he do anything to you?"

"No. No. Ill explain." She said, taking a deep breath.

"So we broke up because of the fact that i wasnt ready for him. and hes the one who wanted to break up, keep in mind." She said.

"I don't know what he was on, but he seemed either drunk or high or both. and he grabbed my arm and was saying 'ill get you one day', and very weird shit to me." She said, tears brimmed her eyes.

"Hey, It's ok. Im glad you told me. I swear i wont let him near you."

"Thank you, Ethan. Lets get out of here." We got up out of our booth and went to my car.

My sister, Cameron had a similar situation to Ocean. I knew exactly what to do. But for know, i'm going to help Ocean feel better.

"You want me to take you hom-" She cut me off by placing her lips on mine. Well damn.

She pulled me in closer as our lips moved in sync. She went down against my neck and left marks against my skin.

I clenched my fist in satisfaction, letting out small moans. "O-Ocean. We have to stop."

"Sorry, -sorry." She said, pulling herself together. I let out a deep breath as i put the car in drive.

"You get me so fucking horny i cant deal with you." I said lowly. She bursted into a fit of laughter.

"You act like you don't get me riled up, you're hot as the sun." She said, looking out her window.

"Oh i do?" I say, smirking. "I mean yeah, have you seen yourself." I smiled from ear to ear.

We continued driving home, listening to music and enjoying each other.


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