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THE next morning i woke up hungry. like severely hungry.

My stomach hurt terribly as i shifted out of bed.

But i thought about my plans for today and it made it better. My mom and Jake were coming home. I'm so proud of Jake for winning his teams tournament.

I carefully went down the stairs and into the kitchen to make coffee and a bagel. after that was finished, Ethan called to check up on me.

"Hey, i think i'm gonna take you out on a date, before your parents come later tonight. You haven't been out your house and i thought it would be fun."

I agreed with him and now i have a "date" with Ethan. I would have never took him for the romantic type but hey, people surprise you.

I had to make sure i didn't smell like weed before he came to pick me up, and before my parents and Jake got home.

With my plans made for tomorrow, i decided to finish some homework for school until he came over.

I was almost finished my work when i get a call from Sammy. I haven't spoken to her in so long.

I've always been a loner. Not too many friends and very much kept to myself. Sammy definitely helped braking me out of my cage. I feel terrible for not talking to her.

"H-hey Sammy! Long time, no talk huh?" I said mentally punching myself.

"Hey Ocean. I miss you bitch! I know you're trying to recover and all but we gotta hangout soon!" She said. "Yes we definitely need to catch up girl. I'm sorry for not calling you sooner i feel so bad."

"How about you take me out to dinner on Saturday and we'll call it even?" I laughed.

"Deal. There's a spot downtown i see everybody at, it's like a chill place so i'll take you there." "Ok bitch see you tomorrow!" "Bye hoe."

i sigh as i place my phone down. It was around an hour until Ethan picked me up. I went upstairs to get ready.

Since i thought we were seeing a movie, i dressed comfortably, but cute. I still had a boot on from the accident so i wasn't really that cute that i tried.

i posted this picture to snapchat and of course Ethan slid up.

Ethan 🖤: cute fit x

I smiled at my phone and replied with a smiley face.

There was still an hour or so until Ethan was coming over so i decided to take a 20 minute nap.

i dozed off as soon as i hit the couch...

————45 minutes later ———————-

My phone ringed, waking me up from my nap.

Ethan is calling....

"Fuck. Hello?" I say, wiping my face.

"Did you forget about the date?" He chuckled.

"No! I took a nap i'm sorry i'll be outside in like 5 minutes." "Ok great i'm outside."

I hung up the phone and grabbed some gum, a tampon, and some lipstick.

just in case.

I limped out of my house to see Ethan's jeep waiting on the sidewalk.

He got out to help me into the car. With my leg still being hurt, it's hard to function with a boot.

"Thanks." I said as he carefully placed me in the car.

He quickly jogged over to his side, stepping in the car.

"So where are we going?" I smiled.
"You'll see when we get there." He handed me the aux cord and i gladly took it and plugged my phone in.

"What about snacks?" i asked. "Trust me, i got it covered." He said driving into the street.

We listened to music and jammed out in the car for around 20 minutes, when he finally stopped the car.

A deserted beach. Ethan are you trying to kill me?" I asked, skeptically.

"No. I'll explain soon." He said.

He opened my door and walked me to the front of his car.

"Don't look back, okay?" He said culling my face. "Okay." He smiled and quickly pecked my lips.

I heard a rustling in the trunk. shortly after i see Ethan come back with a bag, a towel and a candle light.

"We are gonna sit on the top of the jeep."

He ushered me to sit down with him and i did. He purposefully pulled the car into the sand.

"So, the reason why i took you here is beacuse, this beach is very special to me. and Jake mentioned you loved the beach so i thought it was perfect."

"That's very sweet E. Thank you." I smiled at him as he wrapped his arms around me.

He opened some candy and food items for the bag and we ate and talked for what seemed like hours. Finally, we laid down at peace with ourselves and looked up into the sky.

i began to think about life. How we all are a bunch of stars like in the sky. How could i be distinguished from the rest?

I turned to Ethan. "E?"

"Hmm?" He said his eyes half closed. "I think i'm falling in love with you. You're my star. The one i could tell was different from the rest." I blabbered on.

"Ocean, i think i'm falling in love with you too." He smiled.

I pulled him in for a kiss. It was so passionate and fragile. It made me smile as i thought of how sweet he is.

We pulled away and i rested my head on his shoulder.

There's no where i'd rather be.


aww dis chap was cute

but just wait i know y'all horny fuks want smut just wait a lil longer.

it'll be worth it.


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