twenty five

568 12 2

I, Ocean Cades am no longer a virgin.


We woke up after last night. Ethan's bed hair was the single most adorable thing i had ever seen. His relaxed face on the pillow just made me so happy.

"Do you always watch people when they sleep?" Ethan muttered half sleep. "No. Just you." I said getting more comfortable in my bed.

"I had an amazing time last night, E." I gave him a quick peck on his cheek. "I love you."

He quietly whispers, still half asleep, "Love you too."

I got out of bed. I quickly went to check if my mom was home.

I knocked on her door and it fell open. "Mom?"

"Yeah sweetie?" She said laying up in bed, reading her phone. "Just wanted to see if you were home. Should i go get breakfast?"

"That would be great. I want us to catch up, too. Sweetie, the school called." She said, getting up out of bed.

"What- what's wrong?" I said. "They called me about you fainting and how Ethan took you home. That was very sweet of him."

"Oh. Yeah, but i'm fine now." I said with a faint smile. She paused for a moment and then flashed a smile.

"Well, How about I go grab breakfast and you stay here with Jake. He slept out in the pool house.

I chuckled. "Oh ok sure. I'll clean the kitchen while you're out."

I walked back in my room, finding a note on my newly made bed.

"Gray called, said it was important. Text you later. Love you"


I grinned to myself and went downstairs, happy as can be.

I began to clean up the living room and kitchen while my mom got food.

I listened to my playlist on spotify and turned it up in my earphones.

i finished cleaning after about an hour and decided to call my mom. I wondered my she was taking so long.

"Hey moms where are you? it's been an hour or so." I asked.

"Oh sorry honey! i ran into Miles at the breakfast shop. I'll be home in 10." She hung up the phone.

My stomach dropped in fear and dread. Why was he talking to her? i immediately felt weak and powerless.

I turned off my music and decided to talk to Jake.

"Jake?" I called out as i entered the pool house.

"Hello?" It was pitch black in the small living room area. I decided to see if he was in the bathroom.

"Jake?" I knocked on the door. no answer.

fuck this. I'm already paranoid as it is. I left the pool house watching my back as i left.

something told me to start running, so i did.
what is going on with me?
I tripped on a rock, of course. Literally the epitome of a girl in the movies who dies when she trips.

"are you fucking serious right now?" I muttered to myself.

I decided to slowly get up and walk inside.

"Ocean?" My mom says seeing some blood on my leg from tripping.

"Oh yeah. I tripped outside." I grabbed the first aid kit and began to fix my cut.

"What did Miles talk to you about?" I asked frantically looking around.

"Ocean? Ocean breathe. What's going on?" She said.

"Mom can you answer the question? jeez. I just want to know." I asked annoyed.

"No what's going on? Why do you look so scared-"

the bottle of alcohol slipped out of my hands as i gripped it too tight.

"Shit." I said picking it up quickly.

"Ocean, Whats is going on?" She angrily yelled.

"I just asked a question, one question and you couldn't answer it! What did he say?" I finally burst.

"Why do you care so much? It was simple he asked about you and asked if you guys can hang out!" I held my faces in my hands out of frustration.

I hate this so much. I just want to tell her but i feel she would do something drastic.

"I'm gonna go clean my room." I said taking my food upstairs.

I pulled out my paints and canvases and began to just destress. I feel like i'm going crazy.

I need Ethan here or Jake at least.

A couple of hours passed as i painted and soon it was afternoon. I decided to take a quick nap before i cleaned up my art and brushes.


"Ocean!" I was shaken awake by Jake. I was sweating and shaking from what felt like fear.

Behind Jake was Ethan and my mom was on the other side of me.

"What happened?" I said.

"Sweetie, you've been since after yesterday. It's 8 right now."

"What?" I couldn't even tell.

"Yeah Ethan showed up to see what was wrongs since you weren't answering your calls. i came to check on you and you were having a bad dream."

I felt tired still. I didn't even fell like i was asleep. "I-i'm sorry i didn't answer, E. And sorry i scared you, Jake a-and mom."

a few moments of silence passed. mom broke the silence.

"I'm gonna order takeout for all of us. Um- Ethan, you know the deal with the open door." She patted the shoulder lightly as she walked out.

Jake waited until he knew she was downstairs.

"Ocean is this because Miles is scaring you? I will beat him up i swear-" Jake whispered.

"This is serious now. You overslept and you still look tired. I care about you to much to let you be stressed about this."

i had no words. they were right. I swung my legs over my bed and went into the bathroom to start a shower.

"I don't know anymore." I said, zoned out.

"Sorry for stressing you both out." I pulled them both in for a hug. I sensed tension between them in such close proximity but i didn't care.

"Let me take a shower and calm down then we can talk about it."

with that, i hopped into my shower.


THANKS FOR 10k READS!! holy-

if only i can transfer this to my subscriber count on youtube-

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