We Are One- Raura

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We Are One, was the clear winner here Lol. New Story!! I know I'm awesome. And its a Raura story, haven't written one of those in a while. Okay, go on and read



Laura's POV

I'm currently playing dolls with my little sister, Alyssa. I have an older sister too, Vanessa. We all hang out a lot. But Alyssa is only 4 so she doesn't do a lot of the things me and Vanessa do. "Laura!" I hear my beautiful mother call. I put the dolls down And run to her. "You know those people that use to come every summer?" Mom said. I nod my head and she slightly smiles.

"They are living with us for a little. They were backed up on rent and got kicked out, so they are kinda moving in with us until they get their own place." She tells me. "Okay. I'll make room for everyone and clean up the guest rooms." I say. "Tell Vanessa to help and then you guys can go for a ride on your horses." Mom says and I smile. I hug her and run up to Vanessa's room.

Every summer until I turned 5 or 6 these people would come. They had 3 sons. One son, I forgot his name, was like my best friend. They didn't have a lot of money and couldn't visit anymore. That was the last time I saw them. Vanessa probably remembers more then me. I mean, she was 9.

I walk up to her room and knock. "Come in." Vanessa says. I walk in and sit on her bed. "Hey. What's up?" She asked. "Mom wants us to clean up the guest rooms." I tell her. "Oh, who's coming?" She asked. "The people that used to come all the time for the summer when we were little."I answer. She smiles really big as she looks at me.

"No way! Come on lets get cleaning!" She practically yells and pulls me out the door. We start to make the beds and dust. We mess around and blast music while we clean. I can't do anything without music. We danced, pushed each other on the bed, we even jumped on the bed before we made it. After our last room I put on shorts and a crop top. I put on my best horse back riding boots.

After that I meet Vanessa outside and we walk to the stables. "Horse back riding. Cocoa and Faith." I say and the guy opens up the gate to let us in."I missed cocoa." Vanessa says as we walk to barn to get our horses. "I was hoping you'd miss your horse." I say with smile. We both take our horses out and put the saddle on their backs.

I climb on top and look at Vanessa. "Race you to the meadow." I say and softly kick Faith. Faith starts to run and I smile. I haven't rode my horse in a while so I'm not as good as I use to be. Once we get to the meadow and stop Faith and hop off. I walk right in front of her and smile. "Who's my good girl?" I say. I pet her head and Cocoa comes running right next to Faith.

Vanessa hops off and I give her my 'I win' look. She laughs a little and pushes me slightly. We both lay on the floor and look at the clouds. "So you excited to see them?" I ask. "Definitely. I missed Riker and Ross." She says. "Ross? Ross." I repeat. "That rings a bell." I say. "It should, you guys were only like the best of friends." She tells me and I turn my head to look at her.

"Look. That on looks like bunny." She says pointing to the clouds. I look back up and see it. "Look at that one. That looks like a wedding ring." I say pointing to a different cloud. We start pointing to random clouds just being us. "Your the best sister ever, you know that right?" I say. "Yeah." she answers and we both laugh.


After me and Vanessa took Cocoa and Faith back, we hung out. We live in New York, so we just drove up to the city and walked around. I'm currently laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I feel all sweaty and gross so I got up and hopped in the shower. After my long shower of getting the filth off me I changed into a big shirt without pants. My dad gives me all the shirts he doesn't wear anymore because he knows I like to wear them to sleep.

I walk into Vanessa's room and knock on her door. I walk in and hop on her bed. "Hey, can I sleep with you tonight?" I ask. "Sure. We can do our little sister sleepovers." She says. Alyssa then runs on and I jumps on the bed. "I wanna sleep over." She says and me and Vanessa laugh. Mom then walks in and smiles. "We may have over heard your conversation." She says.

"Really? I didn't notice." I say and we all laugh again. I walk out the room and walk into Alyssa's room. I grab her favorite book, Things To Love by Richard Scarry.

"Guess what I have?" I say showing her the book and laying back down. Allys was laying in the middle of me and Vanessa. We were all wearing big t shirts without pants. Its a sister thing. I was holding one side of the book and Vanessa was holding the other. "This book isn't my favorite anymore." Alyssa says. "And why is that?" Vanessa asked. "Because it doesn't have you guys in it. That's something I love." She answers.

We all smile and hug. Once I was done reading the book Alyssa was fast asleep. Vanessa turned off the light and we both fell asleep hugging Alyssa.

Bam! So what y'all think of my new story? Don't give up on it yet. I know it's probably boring, but just wait. Alright hope you enjoyed the first chapter and tune in for more.

Believe In Yourself<333

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