Chapter Eleven

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At 10 O'clock that night, Caia found herself in Nick St. Claire's room at the Four Seasons, wearing a strappy, lilac, v neck, a-lign dress with a pleated skirt. Reggie stood beside her, holding a glass in his hands. Caia twirled her hair around her finger as Nick told a slightly boring story about him and some celebrity. She had tuned out five minutes ago.

"Then we walked into the gilded lily," Nick was saying. "And there's Gal, again." Veronica let out a small laugh, but no one else made a sound. Caia didn't see what was so funny.

"Gal?" Archie questioned, confused.

"Gadot," Cheryl replied snarkily. "Keep up, Archie." Caia rolled her eyes. Cheryl was basically clamoring to get Nick's attention. It was quite annoying, actually.

"Archiekins," Veronica began. "A refill, si vous plé," she handed him her glass. Archie took it, getting up to refill it with alcohol.

"Enough wit the tea-tolling. Let's move to something with a little more kick." He opened his suit jacket to reveal a pocket full of multicolored straws. Caia breathed in a sharp breath as she realized what it was.

"Is that-?" Cheryl began, also in awe.

"Jingle Jangle?" Nick finished. "Why, yes it is." Veronica was looking away, not sure how she felt about Nick's choice of party favor.

"I hooked him up," Reggie bragged, pointing towards Nick. Caia rolled her eyes. Of course he had. With how much Reggie was proud of his drug dealing, Caia was surprised she hadn't noticed sooner.

"Tasters?" Nick iffered, standing up and holding the straws in his right hand. "Who's up first?"

Archie immediately refused. "Dude we told you, we're not-"

"Archie," Nick interrupted. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you're an epic buzzkill." Nick chuckled as he finished. Caia shook her head. How was Archie supposed to take that?

A long silence insued. "C'mon, V, like back in the day?" Nick urged. Veronica laughed and rolled her eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be showing me a good time, per daddy's orders?"

Veronica glanced around the circle. No one else was going to accept the offer first. "Down, Nicky," she replied. "I'm just getting going. And, now that you mention it, I infact wouldn't mind a little sugar to spice up this party."

Caia observed the completely disgusted glance Betty gave her friend as she took one of the straws from Nick's grip. Archie didn't look very happy either.

"What?" She questioned, noticing the looks she was getting from the other guests. "Every other night it's burgers and milkshakes. Can't we just cut loose and pretend we're normal for once?"

"I'm in." Cheryl stated, grabbing one of the sugar sticks from the table.

"Me too," Reggie added.

"Kevin?" Cheryl prompted. The two clicked glasses, insinuating that he was going to indulge.

"Pussycats?" Nick asked. "Care to partake?" He received smiles from all three girls.

"Betty?" Veronica questioned.

Betty smiled tight lipped. "No thanks," she replied.

"C'mon it'll be fun!" She begged.

"I said no, V," she shot back.

Veronica shot her a confused glance. "Okay, relac Betty, this is strictly voluntary."

Nick slung his arm around Veromifa' s shoulders, receiving a jealous glance from Archie. "Perhaps we should decamp to the bedroom as not to corrupt these country mice."

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