Chapter Sixteen

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"Not the kind of drag race I ever imagined myself going to," Kevin was saying. "But at least the guys are hot." Caia shrugged. It was kind of true. As much as she hated the Ghoulies, they did have some good looks.

"Let's do it!" She suddenly heard Tallboy yell. This exclamation received applause all around. Reggie let out a whoop.

Caia noticed that Malachai was smiling as he got in his car to start it. Jughead, in contrast, had the most serious, dead set look she had ever seen.

Both boys got out of their cars to shake hands. "Race over Herk Harvey Bridge to Dead Man's curve. First one back here wins," Jughead explained. The boys split and went to their respective cars.

Cheryl, holding a red scarf in her hand, walked in between the two cars. As she passed Toni, Caia saw them exchange a few words.

"Engines warm and ready, gentlemen?" Cheryl questioned. She received a revving of the engine from both cars. She donned her sunglasses, raised her arms, and brought the flag back, causing both cars to jolt forward.

The crowd cheered and rushed forward as the cars sped into the distance. Caia couldn't help but feel she was in a scene straight out of Grease.

The moments of anticipation waiting for the cars to return were harrowing, but also strangely exhilarating. Soon, though, with no return, the excitement wore off.

Everyone was scattered around the parking lot, drinking out of red solo cups and talking. Caia was seated on Reggie's truck with her boyfriend as the others gathered around. Caia had been getting weird looks from Sweet Pea all night and she was afraid that Jughead had told him about her joining of the Serpents. She brushed it off as him being worried about the outcome of the race and her involvement.

All of a sudden, some guy with long hair and a beard came running up to the group. "Everyone scatter!" He commanded. "The cops are rounding up Ghoulies!"

Reggie jumped off the hood, pulling Caia down with him. Just as she hit the ground, Archie and Jughead pulled up in their car.

Archie got out first, immediately being met by Veronica. "Oh my god, oh my god, you're okay!" She exclaimed, hugging him.

"We gotta get out of here," he replied.

Jughead came around the back of the car in a rush. "C'mon, c'mon, we gotta go now, right now!"

"You called the cops?" Tallboy was in a rage. "You won't work with the Ghoulies, but you will with cops. Where's the honor in that?" He spat, his words almost incomprehensible.

Jughead held up his arms. "Calm down, Tallboy. You think I knew Keller was gonna be there?" He shot back.

"I called Keller," Archie interrupted. Caia closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. Of course he did.

Jughead was not happy. "What the hell, Archie?" He yelled. "Did my dad tell you about this, too?"

"No, this was my idea. To get rid of the Ghoulies, and it worked. They get arrested for street racing and not their off the chessboard!" Archie explained.

"For how long? One month? Three months? You know what they're gonna want on the other side, Archie?" He hit Archie in the chest, pushing him back. "Your head on a stake. All of ours!"

Caia's attention was taken by the approaching cops. "Guys," she exclaimed. "Hate to break up your argument, but we need to go, like now."

Jughead took this warning and stalked away into his car. Betty followed into the passenger side. Caia hopped into the passenger side of Reggie's truck. He turned the key in the ignition and sped out of the parking lot, following Jughead's car.


Reggie dropped Caia off at her house. She walked into the house to see her father was no longer on the couch. She didn't hear him at all, so she figured he must have left or gone to bed. Instead, she was met by the unexpected sight of Sweet Pea standing in her front hall.

"Sweet Pea?" She questioned. "What are you doing here?"

Sweet Pea didn't answer. Instead he held up Caia's serpent jacket. "Did you join the Serpents?"

Caia took in a deep breath, looking away. She slowly nodded. Sweet Pea dropped his arm. "I see," he responded. "And you didn't think to tell me?"

Caia looked up. "You weren't here, SP. And I knew you wouldn't let me."

"Hm, yeah, I wonder why." Sweet Pea stated sarcastically. "Maybe because I don't want you to get arrested or have a frickin target on your back." He spat.

Caia rolled her eyes. "Sweet Pea, you knew I was going to join at some point. Right now, you need all the help you can get. And I need you guys too," she motioned around to her house. "Just look at where I am right now. My house is about to get repossessed and my dad's blowing all our money on liquor. Not to mention..." She trailed off, looking down at the floor. Sweet Pea knew what she was insinuating.

He sighed. "Fine, Caia. Whatever. You're a Serpent now, and there's not much I can do about that. But I am not letting you put yourself in harm's way. That means no more deals like the one to sell your soul to the devil in a Ghoulie jacket. Got it?"

Caia slowly nodded.


Everyone in Riverdale wore a mask. Caia's wad a double life as a serpent and a northsider, a girl with a good life and one with an abusive father.

Betty wore one of the good girl while inside, she was being tormented by the black hood.

And Robert Phillips. The mask of a teacher had covered his drug dealings, but not for long. He was the sugarman, and now everyone knew.

And everyone included the black hood.

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