Chapter Twenty-Four

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It seemed that with the Black Hood case all wrapped up and Christmas break ending, life in Riverdale was going back to normal. However, nothing in Riverdale could ever stay normal for long.

It all started the first day back to school. Caia was in the student lounge with her friends when the pivotal announcement was made.

"Studnents of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking," Principle Weatherbee's voice crackles over the PA. "Emails have been sent to your parents. Effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down." Caia's eyes widened as murmuring washed over the students. This was news to all of them. "It's students have been transferred to other schools in the students, including this one." Caia saw Kevin mouth on my god. "I believe the statement we're releasing-"

Caia could no longer hear the principal's voice. The talking had become too loud and Veronica had begun speaking. "Alright, guys, let's not overreact," she commanded.

Caia could finally hear again. "I'm sure you have many questions. But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms." Caia pulled out her phone and sent a text to Sweet Pea asking what school he had been transferred to.

Caia was happy about this. She was happy shed finally be getting some of her Southside friends at her school. However, it occurred to her that her boyfriend would have the exact opposite mindset.

It hurt her to think about, but she knew Reggie despised the Serpents. She didn't know if she would ever be able to confess that she was one. It would probably do serious damage to their relationship, especially after they had just said I love you to one another.

The announcement was over and the group of friends began discussing the new. "Wait, what does that- what does that mean?" Archie questioned, a confused expression gracing his face.

Betty looked up. "It means Jughead's coming back," she replied softly.

Kevin turned to her. "Betty are you ready for that?" He asked, concerned.

"Of course," was Betty's quick answer. "We're fine." Kevin cocked his head, not completely convinced. Archie, Caia, and Veronica weren't convinced either.

"But why is this happening now?" Archie inquired, looking to Veronica.

She shook her head. "Who knows. It's probably some bizarre, byzantein town ordinance we couldn't possibly understand." Caia shrugged. "In the mean time let's recieve these exiles as if they were our own flesh and blood." She paused, looking around the room. "Who's in?"

Caia stood up. "I'll help."


On the other side of town, Southside High and just been officially closed. Toni and Jughead sat on the steps outside the school as the rest of the students busted out of the school.

Fangs and Sweet Pea kicked open the door as they whooped in excitement. Jughead stood up as he saw all the students streaming behind them. "What's going on?" Jughead questioned.

"This hell hole's officially closed," Sweet Pea explained. "We're done. No more Southside High." Him and Fmags celebrated again.

Toni looked up, bewildered. "What? How?" She demanded.

"They say it's dangerous, gonna be quarentined. Who cares? We're all going to different schools." Sweet Pea was excited to get out of Southside High and actually go to a nice school for once.

Jughead was still confused. "Wait, this doesn't make sense. Where are you guys going?" He inquired.

"Same as you," Sweet Pea replied, looking at Jughead. He turned his gaze to Toni. "And you. And Fangs." Sweet Pea hit Fangs' chest with his fist. Fangs hit his back in return. "We're going to Riverdale High."

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