Chapter Thirty-Four

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Later that night, the group decided to play Monopoly. Caia was extremely excited as she thought she was pretty dang good at the game.

However, as the time passed and she kept shelling out money, she realized that maybe she wasn't so good. Veronica, on the other hand, was having a much better game than Caia.

"I have a hotel on Park Place!" Veronica exclaimed as Betty landed on the square. "Which brings your total to $1,500." Betty sighed and began to count out the money. "Sorry, B, it's nothing personal."

"I'll say," Caia added. "I've landed on that square so many times if I land on it again I'm going have to pay you in get out of jail free cards." Everyone laughed at Caia's misfortunes.

After she had handed over the money, Betty's phone rang. She picked it up and read the name on the screen. "Ew, it's my mom," she explained, smiling. "Should I answer it?"

A chorus of no's was heard from around the table. "What if it's about Chic?" Betty asked. "Let me just," She motioned with the phone and stood up. "Hey mom, what's up?" She greeted, walking away from the table.

"By the way," Veronica added once Betty was out of sight. "When are we ever going to get to meet Chic?"

"I actually did before we left," Jughead admitted.

Veronica leaned forward. "And?" She probed. "How was he?"

Jughead sighed. "Honestly, he's kinda creepy."

Jughead didn't get a chance to further explain himself before Betty walked back into the room. "Guys," she called.

"Everything okay?" Archie inquired.

"No, actually," Betty admitted. "My mom is freaking out because Hiram Lodge just bought the Riverdale Register."

Everyone turned to Veronica as Betty divulged his news. Reggie voiced what everyone was thinking. "Damn," he muttered. "This is crazy."

Veronica scurried off the floor. The others followed suit. "What?" She exclaimed.

"My mom is loosing her mind!" Betty yelled. "My dad's not answering her calls. Veronica, did you know that your dad was buying the Register?"

"What?" Veronica explained, mildly offended. "No, Betty, of course not!"

"See, this is what I'm talking about," Jughead accused.

Archie scrunched his face at his friend. "Relax, Jughead."

"Don't tell me to relax," Jughead shot back.

Reggie tried to keep the peace. "Hey, guys, let's calm down here-"

"Is that why you brought us up here?" Betty questioned, accusingly.

"Yes," Jughead agreed.

"To get us out of town while your dad was doing these things?" Betty accused.

Veronica was offended. "Okay, now who sounds crazy?"

Jughead paused for a moment. "Lodge industries has been buying properties all over the South Side," Jughead reminded. "Now he buys the one newspaper in town so people can't report on what he's doing?" Caia found all these accusations to be very lofty. "This is a classic gambit of mobsters and criminals."

"Shut the hell up, Jughead," Archie commanded.

"Woah, guys." Caia tried to calm her friends, only to be ignored.

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