Chapter Twenty-Five

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Later that day, Caia was sitting in the student lounge, talking to her serpent friends. Reggie was not in the room. Ever since their fight, Caia and Reggie had been giving each other the cold shoulder. Caia didn't know how long it would last.

Caia was sandwiched on the couch between Kevin and Sweet Pea when Josie and Veronica walked up to the group.

"I don't think we've properly met," Veronica observed. She held out her hand to Toni. "Veronica Lodge."

Jughead paused, a chip halfway to his mouth. "Of the Park Avenue Lodges," he added. He raised his pinky to symbol their class.

Toni took Veronica's hand. "Toni. Topaz," she introduced.

"Oh," Veronica exclaimed. "Like the purple colored gemstone," she compared. Toni nodded. "Love it."

"And I'm Josie McCoy," Josie told everyone. "Formerly of the Pussycats, now just Josie." She quickly changed subjects. She motioned to Kevin and Caia's couch. "This is Kevin and Caia."

Kevin made eye contact with Fangs, who held a twizzler in his hand. "What's your name?" He inquired. Caia already knew Kevin was interested. She was mentally coming up with ship names. Kangs? Fevin?

"Fogharty," Came Fangs' short reply. "But you can call me Fangs." Kevin nodded. "Your last names' Keller, right?"

"How did you know that?" Kevin questioned, confused.

"Joaquin and I used to hang out," Fangs replied. "Talked about you all the time.

Kevin slowly nodded. That was interesting.

Suddnely, a raspy voice cut through the lounge. "You guys," Weatherbee called, pointing at the group. "Yes, you. Come with me," he commanded. "Now!"

Caia followed Veronica and the Serpents out to the hallway. Weatherbee stopped and turned around as he stood beside Reggie, who was smiling smugly.

On the crest of the school was a poorly spray painted green snake. Caia rolled her eyes. She knew Reggie had done this.

"Which of your defaced our school seal with this graffiti?" Weatherbee interrogated pointedly.

"This is what they do, Prinicipal Weatherbee," Reggie stayed, crossing his arms. "They tag their turf." He pointed to the drawing.

Veronica was disgusted at the Mantle boy. "My god, Reggie, could you be any more transparent?" She shot.

Reggie looked off for a second before giving one slight nod. Caia rolled her eyes again.

She stepped forward. "You know, frankly, Principal Weatherbee, I live on the Southside and I have never seen any graffiti like this before. It looks more like," She narrowed her eyes at Reggie. "A Northside rendition."

"That's enough, Miss Sinclair," Principal Weatherbee reprimanded. "Effective immediately, no gang behavior of any kind will be tolerate in my school. As of this moment, no more serpent jacket."

This drew protest out of Jughead, Sweet Pea, and Fangs. "No more Serpent jackets," he repeated. "All tattoos need to be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia whatsoever will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear?"

Caia glared at Reggie. She wanted to slap the stupid smirk off his face. At this moment, she absolutely despised the boy. "That's all," Weatherbee stated, dismissing the group.


"I can't believe you guys don't even see it," Jughead ranted. "Weatherbee is profiling us. Telling us what to wear?" He lifted his jacket to make a point. "What's next? Brain implants telling us what to think?" He inquired harshly.

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