Chapter Fifteen

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One hour later, it had all been scheduled.

That night, Caia had done the first part of initiation, reciting the serpent laws. The next day, she would grab the knife from the snake and take Hot Dog home for the night. Finally, the day after that, if all went well, Caia would do the dance and earn her serpent title. Luckily, she would get it much sooner than people usually did. However, she would get it the day that Sweet Pea would be released from jail. Caia knew that there would be some definite push back from her friend. She just hoped it wouldn't ruin her plan.

She couldn't let it.


Caia stood in the piles of trash, doing her best to stay awake as she forked the trash with her stick. She had been up all night worrying about her serpent initiation and now she could barely keep her eyes open.

"Pickin's park? More like Needle Park." Caia heard Veronica mutter.

"I would even go cruising here," Kevin responded.

A piece of trash sailed past Caia's face and she looked up at the perpetrator. She glared at Reggie, who had thrown it, not in the mood for his antics. "Staying awake there?" He questioned. Caia shrugged. "You good?"

"Just had a late night last night."

Reggie snorted. "No, really?" He replied sarcastically. "But seriously, are you feeling alright?" He wandered over, putting his hand on Caia's forehead.

Caia swatted his hand away. "Leave me alone, mom," she joked. "Go pick up some more trash, Reginald."

Reggie rolled his eyes. "Okay, Caialla, but only if you help."

I rolled my eyes. "I think your biceps can handle it, Mantle. By the way, that was a poor excuse for lengthening my name."

"You trying to get me to flex?" He asked.

"Caia," Veronica walked up. "You, uh, mind if I borrow Reggie for a New York minute?"

"Please. Take him," she responded.

"Gon' watch me walk away, huh?" Reggie questioned concietedly.

"What do you want, Veronica?" Caia heard Reggie ask. "We were kind of in the middle of something." She looked at him and turned away, continuing her trash collection.


Caia completed her second initiation activity soon after she finished her community service. She managed to get the knife, but not without getting bitten by the snake. So now, her hand was wrapped in a white bandage as she met up with Jughead and Archie outside the Ghoulie Den.

"Alright," Jughead started as soon as she was within hearing distance. "Here's the plan. Archie and I talked to my dad, and we decided that we need to challenge them," Jug explained. "To a drag race."

Caia furrowed her eyebrows. "Isn't that-"

"Illegal?" Archie filled in. "Yeah."

"But that's why were not going to get caught," Jughead added. His eyes flitted down to the bandage on Caia's hand. "What's up with your hand?" He questioned.

Caia instinctively touched the bandage. "Uh- I-" she stuttered.

Suddenly it hit Jughead. "Oh my god. Are you joining the serpents?"

Caia looked towards the ground and slightly nodded.

Archie widened his eyes. "Wait, what?"

Jughead put his hand on Archie's chest to hold him back. "Leave it, Archie. Its not the main problem right now." He turned and started to walk towards the door, but stopped and turned toward Caia and Archie. "Also, Caia, I know how you can get annoyed sometimes, so I'm asking you, please let me do the talking. We can't let your temper ruin this."

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